Types of Sugar Gliders
Sugar gliders are becoming more and more popular as pets not only in the United States but in other parts of the world.
Most owners wouldn't mind handling tiny exotic animals such as these because what they're after is their bonding capabilities.
Yes these animals can be trained or developed to be attached to their owners in the same way that a dog can be trained.
Looking at these adorable pets sleeping comfortably in your chest pocket or bonding pouch can give a great feeling and even relieve owners from daily stress and hassles.
Actually any type of pet that is cared for properly can put a smile on your face every day.
With these animals, you don't have to think of many requirements to be able to raise one.
This is because it is easy and fun to develop and raise such amazing pets.
Generally, there are no different types of sugar gliders since no major differences can be identified among the members of the breed.
But to identify them especially for the sales and breeding purposes, most people categorize them according to their physical appearances or behaviors as a result of the type of bonding and development they are exposed to.
• The Gray Classic Type: This type is considered as the standard type since most sugar gliders have gray as the base color.
Gliders belonging to this classification have a coat of gray background with a black strip down the middle of their back.
The tips of the ears, tails, and ears are also colored black.
Some would show black or cream marking on their bellies.
• The White or Albino Type: While most gliders would show black or gray stripes at their backs, Albino sugar gliders have white coats.
They also possess noticeable red or pink eyes.
Although they may also come in another variation of the color white such as light cream, they are easy to notice since they usually don't have spotting on their bodies.
• The Black or Dark Beauty Type: A dark beauty sugar glider may have the three most common colors which are black, gray and white with black as the dominant color.
The only noticeable thing about this type is that the parts of the coat that are black appear so dark.
Another unique feature that they have is a dark black beard.
• White-Faced Blonde Type: This type comes in cream color or blonde with minimal spotting.
These types are easy to recognize due to the lack of bar under the lower part of the ears.
• White Tipped Types: Gliders belonging to this type have white colored tips on their ears and tails.
• Mosaic Ring Tail Type: As the name suggest, you will notice a ring tail pattern on gliders belonging to this type.
Some possess some white marking on different parts of their bodies.
It is important to know how a quality sugar glider looks like before making important decisions in buying.
You can start by knowing the different types based on their physical appearances.
Most owners wouldn't mind handling tiny exotic animals such as these because what they're after is their bonding capabilities.
Yes these animals can be trained or developed to be attached to their owners in the same way that a dog can be trained.
Looking at these adorable pets sleeping comfortably in your chest pocket or bonding pouch can give a great feeling and even relieve owners from daily stress and hassles.
Actually any type of pet that is cared for properly can put a smile on your face every day.
With these animals, you don't have to think of many requirements to be able to raise one.
This is because it is easy and fun to develop and raise such amazing pets.
Generally, there are no different types of sugar gliders since no major differences can be identified among the members of the breed.
But to identify them especially for the sales and breeding purposes, most people categorize them according to their physical appearances or behaviors as a result of the type of bonding and development they are exposed to.
• The Gray Classic Type: This type is considered as the standard type since most sugar gliders have gray as the base color.
Gliders belonging to this classification have a coat of gray background with a black strip down the middle of their back.
The tips of the ears, tails, and ears are also colored black.
Some would show black or cream marking on their bellies.
• The White or Albino Type: While most gliders would show black or gray stripes at their backs, Albino sugar gliders have white coats.
They also possess noticeable red or pink eyes.
Although they may also come in another variation of the color white such as light cream, they are easy to notice since they usually don't have spotting on their bodies.
• The Black or Dark Beauty Type: A dark beauty sugar glider may have the three most common colors which are black, gray and white with black as the dominant color.
The only noticeable thing about this type is that the parts of the coat that are black appear so dark.
Another unique feature that they have is a dark black beard.
• White-Faced Blonde Type: This type comes in cream color or blonde with minimal spotting.
These types are easy to recognize due to the lack of bar under the lower part of the ears.
• White Tipped Types: Gliders belonging to this type have white colored tips on their ears and tails.
• Mosaic Ring Tail Type: As the name suggest, you will notice a ring tail pattern on gliders belonging to this type.
Some possess some white marking on different parts of their bodies.
It is important to know how a quality sugar glider looks like before making important decisions in buying.
You can start by knowing the different types based on their physical appearances.