Tips on Breastfeeding Your New Baby
One of the greatest bonding times that a mother will have with their new baby is during feeding.
Choosing to breastfeed is a great decision that will have many rewards.
Mothers are closer to their children and can supply them with the proper nutrients and nourishment they need to properly develop throughout life.
Most mom's however when they decide to breastfeed have lots of questions surrounding the topic.
How do I hold my newborn? How will I know when they are full? How often should they be fed? All of these questions are of course legitimate, in fact, when you're a new mommy all questions are legitimate and deserve an informative answer.
Here are a few breastfeeding basics to help you and your little bundle of joy get the most out of the experience.
Holding Your Baby There are several positions in which you can hold your newborn while breastfeeding.
Number one rule however, is to make sure that you are comfortable and fully supported.
If you're not comfortable the baby will pick up on this and feeding could go wrong.
The first pose is more traditional called the cradle hold.
In this position you are to sit in a chair and place baby in your lap with your arm cradled around them so that the front part of their body is facing your body and begin to feed.
The cross over hold is placing your baby on your lap and supporting them with your hand and one arm.
The football hold is when you place baby underneath your arm and support their head with your hand while breastfeeding.
The reclining position is when you and your baby lay facing each other and you support their head with your arm as the feed.
Choosing the right position is about what makes you and baby most comfortable.
Breastfeeding Schedule In the beginning your doctor will tell you that it is best to feed your child every 2-3 hours which would be between 8-12 feedings per day.
It may seem like a lot but your baby needs all the nutrition that they can get.
It is also important to remember that breast milk is much lighter and thinner than formula therefore baby may demand more.
Feeding your child also allows your breasts to generate more milk.
As your baby gets older the feedings will spread out to about every 4-6 hours per day.
Moms are to feed their baby approximately 5-10 minutes per breast depending upon certain factors like milk production and your baby.
In most breastfeeding cases, your little one will let you know that they are finished by pushing off, wiggling, or simply letting go of the nipple.
These are just a few tips on how to best feed your baby.
Every mom and every situation may vary.
If you're having trouble getting baby to latch, or you're not producing enough milk speak with a lactation specialist or your pediatrician for advice.
This time is supposed to be an enjoyable moment that only you as the mother can share with your newborn.
So just relax and remember that no one is perfect, mistakes may happen, but with time you will get the hang of it and you'll be proud that you got to experience this with your new bundle of joy.
Choosing to breastfeed is a great decision that will have many rewards.
Mothers are closer to their children and can supply them with the proper nutrients and nourishment they need to properly develop throughout life.
Most mom's however when they decide to breastfeed have lots of questions surrounding the topic.
How do I hold my newborn? How will I know when they are full? How often should they be fed? All of these questions are of course legitimate, in fact, when you're a new mommy all questions are legitimate and deserve an informative answer.
Here are a few breastfeeding basics to help you and your little bundle of joy get the most out of the experience.
Holding Your Baby There are several positions in which you can hold your newborn while breastfeeding.
Number one rule however, is to make sure that you are comfortable and fully supported.
If you're not comfortable the baby will pick up on this and feeding could go wrong.
The first pose is more traditional called the cradle hold.
In this position you are to sit in a chair and place baby in your lap with your arm cradled around them so that the front part of their body is facing your body and begin to feed.
The cross over hold is placing your baby on your lap and supporting them with your hand and one arm.
The football hold is when you place baby underneath your arm and support their head with your hand while breastfeeding.
The reclining position is when you and your baby lay facing each other and you support their head with your arm as the feed.
Choosing the right position is about what makes you and baby most comfortable.
Breastfeeding Schedule In the beginning your doctor will tell you that it is best to feed your child every 2-3 hours which would be between 8-12 feedings per day.
It may seem like a lot but your baby needs all the nutrition that they can get.
It is also important to remember that breast milk is much lighter and thinner than formula therefore baby may demand more.
Feeding your child also allows your breasts to generate more milk.
As your baby gets older the feedings will spread out to about every 4-6 hours per day.
Moms are to feed their baby approximately 5-10 minutes per breast depending upon certain factors like milk production and your baby.
In most breastfeeding cases, your little one will let you know that they are finished by pushing off, wiggling, or simply letting go of the nipple.
These are just a few tips on how to best feed your baby.
Every mom and every situation may vary.
If you're having trouble getting baby to latch, or you're not producing enough milk speak with a lactation specialist or your pediatrician for advice.
This time is supposed to be an enjoyable moment that only you as the mother can share with your newborn.
So just relax and remember that no one is perfect, mistakes may happen, but with time you will get the hang of it and you'll be proud that you got to experience this with your new bundle of joy.