German Restaurants in Germantown, Pennsylvania
- What to drink at a German restaurantbeer in beer-mug image by Witold Krasowski from
Germantown, Pennsylvania, is where four states--Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland and West Virginia--meet. Nearby attractions include Gettysburg National Battlefield, cycling along the C+O Canal trail and canoeing or kayaking along the Potomac River. The German restaurants in the area have a good selection of authentic meat and beer, but are not particularly vegetarian friendly. - The most authentic German restaurant near Germantown is actually in Maryland, right over the border. This is classic ethnic Bavarian food: hearty sausages with mustard and bratwurst with sauerkraut, and spätzle. Don't miss the warm apple strudel with vanilla sauce. Drink German beer, on draught or in bottles.
Schmankerl Stube Bavarian Restaurant
58 South Potomac St.
Hagerstown, MD 21740
(301) 797-3354 - Bavarian Inn, across the Potomac River, is a German country inn with a restaurant that serves traditional cuisine. Try sauerbraten, Wiener Schnitzel or Schweinebraten, pork with sauerkraut and potato dumplings. A 'contemporary' section of the menu has crab cakes, vegetarian lasagna and shepherd's pie. A German Salad Tasting includes beets, rutabaga and vegetarian potato salad.
Bavarian Inn
164 Shepherd Grade Rd.
Shepherdstown, WV 25443
304-876-2551 - Josie´s German Food Market and Delicatessen, just outside Germantown, features authentic German products and prepared food. There is a cafe in the back where you can eat bratwurst or cake. The German potato salad and strudels are specialties. Take home German chocolate and condiments to recreate the food at home.
Josie´s German Food Market and Delicatessen
5238 East Teindle Road
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
Schmankerl Stube Bavarian Restaurant
Bavarian Inn
Josie´s German Food Market and Delicatessen