Video: Notes & Scales for the Highland Bagpipes
Video Transcript
I am a bagpipe instructor. In this segment, I will be going over the scale for the highland bagpipes. This is our practice chanter again, let¡¯s see. The lowest note in our scale is the G. We will place all fingers on all holes, that is the G. Now we will lift our pinkie finger on our right hand and play an A¡ Now to play a B, we will have our next finger raised, which would be our ring finger¡ To play a C, this one is a little more difficult, we will raise our ring finger of our right hand but replace our pinkie finger of our right hand, this is the proper way to play a C¡ Now to play a D, we just need to move forward and raise our index finger but still remain to keep our pinkie finger down¡ After we played a D, we are going to, now be playing the notes using our left hand. So to play an E we need to replace all right hand fingers back down to the holes and lift the ring finger of our left hand for an E, also on our right hand make sure you keep your pinkie up¡ that is an E. Now for an F, what we do is raise our middle finger of our left hand¡ For a G, we will raise our index finger of our left hand¡ and for a high A, we will replace the ring finger of our left hand and remove our thumb from the hole behind the chanter¡ Now to move up the scale in one fluid motion would sound like this¡ Practice this everyday until you can get up a little speed and you have memorize the correct finger placement. It is very important to replace fingers and play the scale as instructed.