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Economics : Business & Finance
The Great Inflation Squeeze
Inflation is increasing and despite expert expectations to the contrary, it looks as if it is here for a long time. What caused the Inflation? Where is it going? What are the consequences of the Inflation?...More...
QE 3 Is On Its Way - Make No Mistake About It!
Of all the various indexes out there, the one we are interested in is called the "Misery" index. Yes this is its actual name. The sum of the unemployment rate plus the rate of consumer price inflation equals the misery index. This index is now close to its all-time high. There are several ...More...
Economic Crisis 2011 - Things That Could Trigger It
#1 - China - China injected tons of liquid funds into their economy. For a minute it looked like their economy was rebounding while the rest of the world was slowly sinking into more and more uncertainty. However, China had to resort to raising interest rates in an effort to control inflation....More...
America Needs a Privatized Innovation Plan For New Concepts in the 22nd Century
Many countries are busy pouring money into R and D programs and yet, the United States, undeniably the most innovative and entrepreneurial nation in the world over the last century appears to be slipping a little, but one has to ask why? After all, with the abundance of freedom, liberty, and free-ma...More...
War Gaming Your Sales And Profits Negotiations
You will save a major total of dollars and like the family vacation with significantly less tourists, even more resort interest, and will take pleasure in the reality that you selected to vacation in the off time. come ingrandire il peneHere is my homepage ... come aumentare le Dimensioni del Pene...More...
New Global Economic Leadership
The USA was not always the global economic leader. It took its current place more or less after the world wars....More...
Competition in the Aftermath of the Recession
During this economic crisis many have wondered whether or not there will be any choices left for the stock investor and the consumer. Many firms have closed their doors. Most others are downsizing in an attempt to weather the storm which is not yet over. Those that are left, especially in the financ...More...
Why We Need A Replacement Rail Tunnel At The Detroit-Windsor Crossing
The current rail tunnel under the Detroit River is 100 years old and links southwest Detroit and southeast Ontario.It is owned and operated as an ongoing business by the Detroit River Tunnel Partnership (DRTP)....More...
Sub-prime Fallout: Why Such A Big Deal?
this article describes the sub-prime crisis in detail, with emphasis on its similarities and differences from the savings-and-loan scandals....More...
Parents vs Referees, Rangel vs Fair Tax
The organization Fair Tax is working to eliminate the current tax code and replace it with a pure sales tax.Towards that goal the group is trying to persuade the Democrats to support this agenda since both the party and Fair Tax desire "fairness."Unfortunately, these two entities have comp...More...
World News Mixed As 2009 Ended and 2010 Started - Why This Matters
Few can deny that 2009 was the year filled with rather doom and gloomy news. In fact, I believe the business world as well as Wall Street, along with most US citizens were happy to see 2009 to go. When all the news is good, investors and consumers should not be so joyous and euphoria, but rather con...More...
Industrial Displacement and Financial Security of the Displaced Population at Kalinga Nagar, Odisha
Orissa being a mineral rich state attracts large sums of investment in various development projects, more specifically in the mining and industrial sector. The state provides ample opportunities for value addition and throws open avenues for the process of industrialization. Though due to industrial...More...
Buying Customer Goodwill, And Keeping It
Anyone who runs a business knows that customers are among its most important assets. And although customers cannot be bought or sold, their presumed loyalty is a major consideration in nearly every merger....More...
Financial Collapse of America - Prepare and Profit
You can be a skeptic all your want, but it is now evident that the Financial Collapse of America is coming on hard and strong. Instead of panic, realize there is a way you can prepare and even profit from this event....More...
Death Of A Bank
The Cameron office died last year. Four people lost their jobs. Hundreds of voices were recorded. They were all erased but one, and you aren't supposed to hear it. I am supposed to be too busy sacrificing to tell you. Oh, OK......More...
Recent Sharp Correction In Oil & Gold
Gold prices fell sharply by 7.75% in the month of April to close at $1472.1 after touching a two year low of $1356.5 on April 18. The metal's appeal as a haven from risk was hurt by speculation the U.S. economic recovery is gaining traction and a retreat in concerns over Cyprus. ...More...
Bosnia - An Economy in Search of a State
Bosnia-Herzegovina (heretofore "Bosnia") is an artificial polity with four, tangentially interacting, economies. Serbs, Croats and their nominal allies, the Bosniaks each maintain their own economy. ......More...
Is Your Town A Fair Trade Town?
Some United States towns have declared themselves Fair Trade Towns.Others have formed committees and are working toward Fair Trade Town status.Learn what a "Fair Trade Town" is and what five goals need to be met for a town to declare itself a Fair Trade Town....More...
Economic Victims of Banks and Government Squatting in Bank Owned Real Estate
A growing trend during the current recession is squatters moving into foreclosed homes and living in them rent and mortgage free. Although this seems surprising, it was a likely result of the collapse....More...
What Businesses Could Learn From the Occupy Wall Street Movement
Occupy Wall Street (OWS), a series of demonstration that are ongoing in New York City, has been making Wall Street the headlines for weeks. Calling itself a "leaderless resistance movement" among people of all races, genders and political principles, OWS is mainly built around anti-corrupt...More...
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