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Economics : Business & Finance
How To Earn Money? Discussing Positive Thinking And Changing Global Consciousness
Changing the economy through integrated thinking and honest business. Utilizing hydroponic year round farming to stimulate the economy and provide organic food....More...
About Spain - Principles of Socialism
In the new PM's cabinet in Spain there have been quite some changes. Although the successful campaign and previous mandate the Socialist government is still in the lead. One portfolio in this cabinet didn't change. And that is of economic affairs, led by Mr. Pedro Solbes... ...More...
Further Proof Bush-Bailout-Team is Incompetent
If you were one of the fine folks who were not sold on the Bail Out strategy of the Bush Administration, well looks like you had reason to be.Based on the latest round of talks with financial representatives from around the world, Secretary Paulson and the 'good guys' in Washington have fi...More...
World Economic Meltdown Continuing - Hurting US Diplomacy
The CIA and the Pentagon have both noted that this global financial crisis is taking its toll on World Economies and that is a real problem for world peace. In fact, as economies crumble so do societies, and civil unrest can lead to revolutionary over throw with already weak governments. In the Midd...More...
The Economics of Bank Bailouts
Questions are increasingly being raised about bank bailouts and what they achieve for society and the overall economy. A specific recurring issue is what banks did with the bailout funding provided by taxpayers....More...
Government Budget Proposals For 22nd June - How Will They Affect You?
With a national deficit now hovering around 155bn, what can you expect from the UK budget proposals on Tuesday 22nd June? Here is a comprehensive roundup of budget changes already announced, of budget proposals that appear likely, and of other possible government budget cuts to come....More...
The Meaning of Inflation - Discover the Causes and Effects That Can Cost You Money
What Is Inflation? We can define the meaning of inflation in a number of ways. It can be thought of as a constant rise in the prices of goods and services over a specific period of time....More...
The Fed's Banking Interests Lie With Independent Banking Profits Not For the People
There are few things that are more frustrating for the American people during a poor economy then to learn that there are government programs and plans that were put into place in order to be able to help the people but instead they have done little but to cause problems and cause there to be higher...More...
Volume Decreases While Prices Increase!
This article talks a little bit about a company's new process of decreasing the quantity and volume of products while increasing the prices.Buying high need items only when they are on sale is one way to fix this dilemma....More...
Mortgage Interest Rate History And a Change for the Future
The most overlooked fact about the current economy in the U.S. is the very healthy levels we enjoy on mortgage rates.These low rates allow many homeowners to lower their overhead by refinancing.This in turn acts as an economic stimulus as more families gain disposable income.However, trouble looms b...More...
How To Survive The Coming Economic Depression - A Few Things You Will Need
When it comes to surviving an economic depression, people automatically think of money, food and shelter. While all of those are very important, there are also other things that you will need if you truly want to survive the coming economic depression. The first thing is warm clothing....More...
The Effect of the Federal Reserve Debt Purchases
The Federal Reserve has been buying our own government issued bond for the past year or so. The popular media has not picked up on the negative long term implications of such a policy. Such effects could mean a return of the high inflation of the 1980's....More...
Obstacles For Economic Development
Besides the availability of natural resources and other factors, some external factors and political factors play a dominant role in the economic development of the nations of the world. Relations with other nations, climatic conditions, vulnerability to the natural threats, etc also important facto...More...
What Affects The Economy?
Major factors that have a huge economic impact, short-term and long-term, are the implementation of government policies, and the actions of the Federal Reserve. Learn what happened in 1913. This changed everything....More...
The Canadian Exchange Rate
Alternate charges are charges at which nations currencies are exchanged, that is, the price of 1 forex in terms of another. A lot of international locations now use the American dollar as the usual towards which to measure the value of their very own currency. As the great majority of Canada's ...More...
Giving Your Job the Right Protection
In a market where even the best of skills and experience does not work to guarantee your job, having an assurance of some sort in the event of a layoff is a good idea. This kind of protection comes with layoff plans that allow you to sustain yourself and your family till you find a job once again. W...More...
Best Entrepreneurship Development Programmes In India
The activity of an entrepreneur ranges differently depending on the nature of organization and creativity attached to it. Self employment is also called a type of entrepreneurship and is increasing and creating more job opportunities for all. Thus you, as an individual, should urge to learn the basi...More...
States Compete for Innovation and Jobs
Perhaps you have noticed how state governments are courting large corporate entities to come into their states and set up shop. Retail businesses can usually find a deal to pay little or no sales tax for a decade or more to move in and bring jobs. Manufacturers can find their building fees waived an...More...
Would A White Christmas Be Bad For Business?
After weeks of snow, forecasters are telling us to brace ourselves for another deluge of the white stuff. With the festive season approaching, would a white Christmas be a nightmare for shops and online retailers still reeling from the recession?...More...
In An Economic Crisis - No Room For Fear
America rose to prominence, to preeminence, not by the might of her military, but rather on the inspiration of an idea - the promise of freedom to innovate, to create, to aspire. We turned from that path however. Instead of innovating and advancing, we clung to oil and wagered our futures on finance...More...
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