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Economics : Business & Finance
The Current US Economy & the Changing World
Is the current US economy falling apart as we know it? Or is this the beginning of something new and equally exciting? Did you know that the wealthiest men in human history going back to Cleopatra all the way to Warren Buffet had something in common, and what is really happening with our monetary va...More...
Maximum Wage and the Limits of Human Inequality
The appropriate maximum wage that society should have will be a critical issue in this century. It is generally agreed upon at this point that a neurosurgeon should get compensated more than a tour guide. The Soviet experience of a relatively narrow gap between highest and lowest compensation (top c...More...
Employee Free Choice Act - Good For the Economy?
Employee Free Choice Act proponents use three basic arguments in favor of the act. The "union benefit", redistributing wealth by forcing companies to pay a so-called "living wage" and that the current system prevents workers from joining unions. What is the truth? This article ex...More...
It is Different This Time - Not!
Each time the general public creates an asset bubble, they believe the rally in prices is justifiable by fundamentals. When proven methods of valuation demonstrate otherwise, people invent new ones with the caveat, "it is different this time." It never is....More...
Statistical Sleight of Hand
Well, the monthly unemployment figures for November were released yesterday and the usual confusion and negativity dominated the reporting. The news was mixed, most pundits said, as the economy added only 120,000 jobs, yet the unemployment rate fell to 8.6%. How could the rate fall by .4% to its low...More...
What Does the Price of Gold Going Up Really Mean to You?
Is the price of gold really going up? I am constantly hearing about how great it is to invest in gold right now and diversify. But what is really happening with the price of gold?...More...
IT Consulting M&A Report Summer 2009
The economic recession is responsible for an estimated decrease in industry revenue by 3.2 percent in 2009. Over 40 percent of IT consulting revenues comes from the banking, finance, and insurance market sectors, which makes the industry particularly vulnerable during depressed economic times. ...More...
Conspiracy Theories on US Debt Downgrade Considered
Well, it looks as if Standard & Poor's has downgraded the US debt, as they promised they might. Although this is only one major credit rating agency, it is a significant event, as it is the first time that a credit rating agency has lowered US debt in the history of our country (credit ratings ...More...
Why I Am So Worried About Spain's Future
Having royalty genealogy lines is cool, as you can trace all of your ancestry through the former kings and queens of Europe in past periods. Once you hit a major royal line vein, you see you are related to nearly all of them, as they also intermarried, and speaking of veins you have to wonder if you...More...
A Comment of Economic Times
During these times of uncertainty, there is one thing that remains constant and that is in time things will change. If you are experiencing hard times it is of concern. The good news is that all these events are not permanent....More...
Weak Economic Climate Shown to Be Dampening Homeowner Ambitions
The continuing problems currently hampering the economy are limiting the financial goals of a large quantity of Britons.The latest research by Gocompare indicates that about 50 per cent of homeowners stated that the receding housing market and impact of the credit crunch has caused them put a hold o...More...
Is The "Golden Radio Voice" Video Sensation Ted Williams Doomed?
Yesterday, a friend I was talking to asked me what I thought about Ted Williams, the man who just a couple of weeks ago was homeless-and had been for years; the man with a history of substance abuse--but a magnificent "golden" voice. The story has become a worldwide media sensation. After ...More...
Woodward Light Rail: A Proven Investment In Detroit' s Future
Chris Termeer - Light rail is making a comeback in many American cities as congested roads and dwindling fossil fuels make commuter rail an increasingly viable option. Add in the skilled job creation and the overall increase in economic activity these rail lines bring about, and you have a no-braine...More...
Why It Pays (Literally) To Love Your Children
A strong work ethic and a significant improvement in education -- without some asset accumulation like homeownership -- cannot close the overall well-being (three-quarters that of Whites) gap for Black Americans. For example, no matter how hard Blacks work or how well educated they become, they cann...More...
Why Small Government Is Better
I've written at length about what I see as the biggest need in the United States today: renewing limited government. Why? Because the strength and prosperity of free people throughout the world depends on limited government in the U.S. The more government grows, the more the economy shrinks, ta...More...
Being Homeless and Stuck in a Rut
When it comes to the homeless and poverty in America, some people are really uncomfortable with the topic and anything that it entails. It's natural to not want to think about these things that make you feel uncomfortable and it's natural to not know how to react around a homeless person. ...More...
America's Stories 2009 - The Courageous PeopleFacing Unemployment and Homelessness
Unemployment is the highest it's been in three decades. The housing mortgage fiasco has contributed to the dramatic growth of homelessness. Tent cities across the United States are growing and are populated not only by the chronically homeless but also with educated and middle class citizens wh...More...
Why The Race To Zero Dramatically Effects Emergency Survival
The race to zero is the best time to stock up on things for your emergency survival supply. However economic experts warn this phenomenon won't last forever. Find out about the race to zero and how you can capitalise in on this opportunity before it's too late....More...
KKR Private Equity Investors to Come to the NYSE
The weekend has been pretty quiet when discussing market related news, until I was boarding my train and received an alert titled "KKR Plans to Go Public on NYSE." Initially I brushed it off, but as I have thought about it, the more surprised I became. I was sitting on the train, Blackberr...More...
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