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Economics : Business & Finance
The Federal Reserve Fights For Financial Stability
The Federal Reserve considers transparency about the goals, conduct, and stance of monetary policy to be fundamental to the effectiveness of monetary policy. The Federal Reserve Act sets forth the goals of monetary policy, specifically "to promote effectively the goals of maximum employment, st...More...
The City of Indio California Overdue For Re-Branding
Often cities stagnate after big growth periods, unable to attract new investment into the area. There are many issues that cause this. Sometimes the city is not considered to be of high-status and thus, some retailers and businesses will not move in and high-end developers are afraid to invest, worr...More...
Facing Challenging Times - Worry is Not a Requirement
The job loss count is rising; just about every week we read of another new batch of folks now out of work, a new batch of folks who are underemployed, a new batch of folks who have given up. The unemployment rate is rising. Can worrying help solve the problem?...More...
Consumerism in American Society
Through the passing of time, the reach of advertising has become even more widespread in society and the underlying desire for consumers to buy "stuff" has been constantly growing. Some analysts say that this desire stems from fears and insecurities. Others say that corporations use advert...More...
The Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, G Edward Griffin, Jekyll Island and the Economy
What do all of the above entities and people have in common?How do each view the economy?What affect do they have on the economy today and your financial future?These are all things that you should understand to function intelligently in today's economic crisis....More...
The Secret is Out - The Primary Goal of Federal Taxes is Not Revenue Collection
The secret is out - the primary goal of federal taxes is not to collect revenue! The federal tax system's real function is to act as a social engineering tool. The top ten, or even fifty, reasons for tax collection don't include revenue needs....More...
Veterans Needed In Oil And Gas Firms
Many unemployed veterans are returning to the United States after the end of America's nine-year war in Iraq and the drawdown of U.S. troops in Afghanistan....More...
The Need To Be More Creative And Independent
We did not cause this massive economic upheaval. But because we believed what we were told we now find ourselves entangled in a massive financial web. Whether it's the stock market reversal, mortgage crisis--leaving families homeless or massive layoffs....More...
Half Term Brings Risk Of Increased Damage To Property
With the October half-term holiday approaching, consumers could well find themselves coming under additional financial strain, the results of a new study have intimated. In research carried out by Sainsbury's, the firm suggested that thousands of homeowners are likely to find that their propert...More...
Hard Times Lead to an Increase in Stealing, Overshopping and Overspending
In the wake of the recent financial crises involving the mortgage, investment banking, and insurance industries, all eyes are on Barack Obama and the new administration to push all the right buttons for an economic turn-around. Consumer and investment confidence teeters in the balance. ...More...
Japan - Some Single Mothers in Poverty Can't Afford High School For Their Children
In Japan, in the early 1990s, you could meet hundreds of Japanese people who would tell you they were part of the middle class. Nobody was poor; nobody was rich. Everybody said they were middle class. Roger Pulvers explains this sense of belonging to the middle class came into vogue with the economi...More...
America, A Promise of Change, While Losing the Real Battle at Home
An analytical and realistic look at our current economic situation in the United States and western countries in general, and how one major player, China, continues to play by its own rules for its own advantage at the expense of these nations. The article also examines the contributing causes of or...More...
Why Aren't People Buying?
People are overcome by fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of what is happening around them. Fear of past sins.Some take relief in pointing the fingers at big business, the banks and anyone else but themselves. The truth is, in a way, we are all to blame....More...
Is the College Bubble About to Pop?
We've had the housing bubble, the commodities bubble, the stock market bubble, the dot com bubble and they have all busted over the last few years.But what about the college bubble?...More...
The USA Today - What Happens When You Let Investment Bankers Run a Country?
If you're like me, you've probably looked at the US recently and wondered what has happened to your country. I'm not talking about the GOP/ Obama situation nor am I referring to capitalism vs. socialism...I'm simply talking about basic common sense items like: stay out of debt, d...More...
Comparing Our Current Economic Crisis to the Great Depression
It comes up during our everyday conversations. It is the topic of local and national news programs almost daily. Not one person has been left unaffected by it. Our current recession has been hailed as the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Statistics are coming out constantly to show ...More...
Government Certification Test Often Destroy Productivity
On-going education is important indeed and that goes for any industry. Knowing the rules and regulations is also extremely important and since the regulatory bureaucrats change the rules so often it is important to stay on top of all of them....More...
You Can Win In A Down Economy
You can win the food part of a down economy.While supermarket prices are rising, you can serve your family fresh harvest fruits and vegetables all year long and enjoy safe non-chemical and additive food at prices you can afford. ...More...
Trucking Stocks Have Uncertain Future
This article contains up-to-date information on the trucking sector stocks as well as some of the obstacles facing the trucking industry. The rise of crude oil prices as well as other factors are affecting the performance of trucking sector stocks and the number of external pressures on the industry...More...
Financial Inclusion Programme Launched
Millions of Britons could be on track to receive increased help with money, it has emerged. In the government's action plan for financial inclusion in the years between 2008 and 2011, Kitty Ussher, economic secretary to the Treasury, announced that some 135 million pounds is to be invested into...More...
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