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Economics : Business & Finance
Made In The USA - Look For The Label
Does It Really Matter If You Buy American? Yes, we can bring made in America back....More...
Consumer Options and the Credit Card Act
Recently, we've been getting such friendly notices in the mail from our credit card companies. They're all about the new, wonderful programs and rates being offered. We can now pay off smaller purchases interest-free on a monthly basis and simply accrue interest on more major purchases, we...More...
5 Ways YOU Can Fix the Economy
The economy is run by us the people, not the government.If we want it fixed, we need to do it ourselves and this is how....More...
Watching the Dinosaurs Fall
Look now as the mist clears, before us, a brand new shopping development, finished in September 2007 all 14 units stand empty. Five months and not one unit rented, maybe it was the demise of the Ford assembly plant or maybe it was the demise of the Chevrolet assembly plant. Maybe it's the doubl...More...
To Deregulate Or Regulate - The Key Economic Struggle
This article deals with how all stakeholders in the general economy can work towards a middle ground in achieving a proper regulatory environment, while at the same time creating an enabling environment for enterprise to thrive. This is geared towards creating a general consciousness in spotting cur...More...
HP to Split Into Two Companies
On the morning of October 6, 2014, Hewlett Packard announced plans to split into two separate companies. The announcement confirmed reports previously appearing on the Wall Street Journal, Techspot and other publications. Under the plan, the iconic information technology firm will separate the corpo...More...
$700 Billion Bailout - Common Sense Options
Congress obviously doesn't have all the answers.Here are some options that would have definitely worked better....More...
QE2 and the Tipping Point
You may have heard of Malcolm Gladwell's book from 2000 called 'The Tipping Point' where ideas, messages and behaviours spread like a virus to reach a boiling point. Right now, traders and investors are on alert for the tipping point in the sharemarket. Will the QE2 be that tipping po...More...
Powerhouse Economies to Lead US Out of Recession
The United States got caught in a "triple witching" that shook it almost to its financial foundations. With the banking collapse hooked to credit default swaps which were hooked to the mortgage industry the market had no place to go but down....More...
The Tax Jobs Market in 2010 - An Outlook
The global liquidity crisis of the last two years has produced such a volatile, and at times unprecedented, setting for business, that the predictions of even the most learned commentators have been wildly incorrect. What does this spell for the tax recruitment market?...More...
China's GDP Falters - Long Term Growth Puts it at Number 2 in the World by 2011 Or 2012
Currently, China has been growing so fast it's been over heating with 10% plus year over year GDP Growth. Of course, her biggest trading partner is the United States of America and right now our economy and Middle Class Consumer has stopped spending, this is putting the brakes on the Chinese ec...More...
Property Rights and Social Costs - The Impact of Air Pollution
The lack of defined property rights leads to the abuse of certain activities as a result of a differing perceptions regarding how choices affect marginal private benefits and social costs. How does this impact society and what does this say about how private enterprises make choices? let's use ...More...
Solidarity Economy, Hope For Change - Part I-II
Both capitalist and communist economic development models of the past four decades have proven that it is easier to scale down micro programs than far' reaching ventures. In other words risk factor and error margins are greater or lesser accordingly with business scope at stake. In that regard,...More...
Survival in a Brutally Surprising Economy
Is that late model German car serving you well like it used to, or just leaving you with a huge note and gasoline bill and less bumpy ride? My used Saturn gets me to the same places and a tank of gas lasts me nearly a month. Someone else has my old Mercedes and that is just fine with me....More...
Coins - All About the Old British Halfpenny Coin, From 900 Years Ago to Its Last Production in 1967
The demise of the British halfpenny coin in 1967 saw the end of an era and was a precursor to the decimalisation of the currency in 1971. Here we look at the history of this coin, and then look at the opportunity of owning a piece (or pieces) of history......More...
Bringing Down the Wall in Russia
The task of the Western powers is to open up Russia to outside financial institutions and corporations. This will help make Russia a leader in world economies....More...
No Wonder We Are Spending $2 Trillion on Health Care
The cost of health care is on everyone's mind. The debate has proceeded around how we can get people covered and not about why the costs are so high. I recently came across an interesting piece of research that may illustrate why we spend so much for health care....More...
Cash For Clunkers - Stimulus Or Boondoggle?
Cash for Clunkers, the federal program that pays $4,500 toward the purchase of certain new cars, is tremendously popular.But as with all government handouts, for everyone who benefits, someone else pays a price.Only a reasoned examination of all of the costs together with the benefits can the balanc...More...
Low Interest Rates Are the Problem - Not the Solution
While politicians on both sides of the aisle go on cable news and try to deny their involvement in the current financial crisis and pretend that over the last eight years there was nothing that they could have done to prevent the circumstances that created the largest structural meltdown since the G...More...
How to Support the Economy With Your Stimulus Check
As many people across the country have already gotten their economic stimulus checks, it is important to remember that the goal of this free money is to help stimulate the economy. So before you waste your check, consider these ways to support the economy with your check....More...
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