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Computer & Networking security : Technology
How to Keep MagicJack Minimized
MagicJack is a phone service that uses the Internet connection on your computer to make and receive telephone calls. Every time you get a call or pick up the telephone, the MagicJack window pops up on your computer, interrupting whatever you were doing on the computer at the time. If you want to kee...More...
How to Get Trend Micro Widgets
One of the leading sources of antivirus software, Trend Micro, offers a variety of free tools for users. One of the free tools allows downloading official Trend Micro widgets onto your computer. Trend Micro widgets include breaking virus news, blogs and more....More...
Hard Drive Recovery Services Do They Really Work?
We all know that data recovery services are not necessary when things are working great on your server. It is only a needed when a problem with your hard drive fails and you cannot retrieve your data....More...
Are You Passionate About Information Security
The Hacking called "Ethics", framed in the field of Information Security, comes as a specialized technical discipline, aimed at professional technical training to equip them with the knowledge necessary to enable them penetrates in the ... ...More...
Registry Cleaners to Boost PC Performance
The registry is the storehouse of all information about your computer system. Be it files related to hardware installed in your PC or the software applications, or the user accounts that are used to log in to your system, the registry has it all. Which is why, registry maintenance and registry clean...More...
AntiAdd Spyware Removal - What You Should Know About Rogue Antispyware
AntiAdd, also known as Anti Add, is like many rogue antispyware programs that prompt users to handle fictitious security threats and infections on their computer. This program is a clone of KeepCop, RESpyWare, and REAnti, from the WiniSoft family. The scareware program will trick many users into thi...More...
How to Open the Main Console in Trend Micro
Trend Micro protects your computer from viruses, trojans, malware and spam. The main console in Trend Micro appears automatically when you open the application. From the main console, you can change program settings, run software updates, run virus scans, and more....More...
Follow This Advice Before You Download Registry Cleaner Software
When you are in the market for a Windows registry cleaner, you have numerous options available.By following the advice in this article, you can be assured to download registry cleaner software that is right for your system....More...
How to Get Rid of a
The file is a virus that is downloaded with malware or spyware. The virus allows hackers to get into your computer and monitor what you are doing and gather personal information. This can cause your computer to slow down and risk the theft of your personal information. By r...More...
Adware Alert Review - Spyware, Virus and Adware Remover
If you download anything from the Internet you are at risk of having malicious spyware on your computer. By eliminating this spyware you protect yourself against pop-ups, identity theft and other privacy invasions....More...
Anti Keylogger Shields - Step Up Your Protection Against Identity Theft
One of the biggest crimes in the United States today is identity theft. This has come about as a result of the formation of the credit bureaus, which are the databases for all credit and identity related information....More...
3 Key Factors Affecting a Post Format Data Recovery
A quick search online will bring up hundreds of file recovery utilities that try to retrieve your documents from formatted drives. However, the chance of a post format data recovery being successful depends to three factors. This article runs through these 3 key factors and explains what formatting ...More...
What You Should Know About SQL Backup
When you buy your SQL backup, make sure that you are buying a package that is easy to use, that makes restoring data simple as well, and that will store your backups on a remote location (i.e. in the cloud). By doing this, your data will always be safe from whatever has happened at your office locat...More...
OST - PST Conversion - The Best OST to PST Converter?
If you want to work offline, MS Outlook is an exceptional service option. There are OST files which are responsible for providing you all information when you are not online. OST stands for Offline St...More...
What Registry Cleaners Do and What to Look For When Choosing One
When a computer begins to act slower than normal, for no apparent reason, this can be quite baffling and frustrating for the computer operator. If you were to ask a friend or search online, the answers you most likely will find will be the wrong ones. Most people automatically assume that the slow r...More...
Computer Internet Security Related Articles
It's also smart to have interior lights set on timers that indicate that the home is occupied when you are away for the morning or extended intervals. Well, your Home security alarm can help you have that.My page top home alarm systems...More...
Offsite Data Backup
We discuss the benefits of offsite data backups.We take a brief lookat the highlights of the benefits to your business for using offsite data backup products for your data storage....More...
How to Stop Spy Tools
Spyware is software that loads onto your computer and monitors everything you do. It keeps track of your web searches, the websites you visit and other online activity. In many cases, spyware collects data about you and then sells this information to advertisers. Anti-spyware programs are the soluti...More...
Tech Support - Your PC Doctor
Today, is the age of Technology and Communication. It is very unusual to remain isolated. In today's arena every individual wants to remain updated and in touch with all his/her friends and family members, including ... ...More...
How to Disable Norton in Windows
Norton Internet Security and Norton Personal Firewall provide protection against malicious probes and malicious software (malware) infections on your Windows PC. Norton is a commercial product and requires annual subscriptions to maintain virus definitions and product upgrades. You may decide to try...More...
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