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Pets Cats : Pets & Animal
Cat Litter - Sorting Through Your Options
There is an ever increasing number of cat litter options available to pet owners. Before you pick one for you cat, it's good to know a few of the strengths and weaknesses of each type. ...More...
Cat Food to Prevent Struvite Bladder Stones
Cats can suffer from urinary tract problems including bladder stones, or struvite crystals, and need a diet that will prevent such conditions from developing. There are a variety of cat foods on the market as well as diets recommended for preventing cats from suffering urinary tract problems....More...
Does Your Cat Really Need Feline Vaccines?
You should understand completely all of the benefits and risks of the procedures before deciding which of the vaccines your cat should receive. It is important that you are able to discuss vaccination with your veterinarian so they advise you about which vaccines are most appropriate. Tell your vete...More...
Protect Your Cat With Vaccinations
Just as with humans, shots are an unpleasant, but necessary part of growing up healthy....More...
Cat Potty Training
Cats are amazing intelligent creatures that can be trained to use your toilet when peeing or defecating through cat potty training. While most outdoor cats have no practical use of this as they can just do their thing outside of your house already, this can be quite useful for strictly-indoor pamper...More...
How to Help Your Cat Lose Weight
Garfield is the poster-child for cats for many of us. Like many cats, Garfield had a few pounds to lose. Thankfully, with your help, your cat can safely lose those extra pounds....More...
Are Carnations or Pansies Poisonous to Cats?
Cats often nibble on plants and flowers in the home or outdoor garden. These plants can include carnations and pansies. While many plants are safe for consumption, some plants can cause serious health effects if they're eaten by your cat. You must make sure your pet does not have access to poisonous...More...
How to Feed Liquid to a Cat with a Syringe
Your cat is getting older and its appetite is failing. It is eating less and less and now you really aren't sure if it's eating at all. Don't wait until it completely stops eating to intervene. Cats that completely stop eating process their own fat for energy and that leads to hepatic lipidosis, or ...More...
Horsetail Herb for Cats & Dogs
Horsetail is an herb that has special traits to treat a myriad of health issues in cats and dogs. According to Go Pets America, this herb has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity in the body....More...
How to Train a Cat to Use the Cat Box
Teaching a cat to use a litter box is not usually difficult, because the process uses a cat's natural instinct to cover waste and keep clean. Once your cat knows how to use the cat box, she should remember to do so each time she needs to eliminate. In the wild, a cat covers its waste to deter predat...More...
What Is PKD in Felines?
PKD stands for Polycystic Kidney Disease. It is a genetic, progressive kidney disease that occurs in cats, dogs and even humans and effects both kidneys at once. Feline PKD occurs in many breeds of cats and both genders. As of early 2010, there are no clinically proven treatments or known cures for ...More...
Cat Care Tips And Advice
When caring for your cat it is very important to look at all aspects of a cat's personality in order to fully please them. Aside from the standard "come feed me I am hungry" actions an animal displays, remember, a cat is much different than a dog....More...
Problems With Neutering
Most pet care experts agree that sterilization is an important aspect of responsible pet ownership. While the many benefits or neutering far outweigh the risks, there are a few drawbacks and side effects associated with this common surgery. Most veterinarians can provide tips for avoiding the proble...More...
What Is Feline Hyperthyroidism?
Hyperthyroidism in Cats - its symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis....More...
Cat Facts - Weird Things You Didn't Know About Your Pet
Even if your favorite pet is a dog, you should know that cats are quite appealing creatures. Yet, you are not likely to know how weird cats can be. Here are a few weird facts about cats: Surely you have known that humans are unable to drink seat water, as it is saline and dehydrates your body....More...
Cat Carriers in 5 Different Styles
The Precision Pet Kitty Condo is a way to house either one or two cats and still be mobile. It's a relatively large pen (36 inches long x 24 inches wide x 48 inches high) with a couple of perches set high up in the cage. The bottom has a plastic base that's easy to clean and it has moveabl...More...
Your Cat and the Dirty Water Bowl
A dirty water bowl contains bacteria that you cannot see. This gives the water a peculiar taste and discourages cats from drinking. What is worse is that there are bacteria that can leave animals sick....More...
The Ocicat: Domestic Cat With the Look of the Wild
Snapshot information about the Ocicat cat breed, its standards, profile, history, and personality traits. You are invited to share your stories and photos about Life With an Ocicat on this site....More...
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