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Pets Cats : Pets & Animal
How to Bring a New Feline Into the Home of Another Cat
Bringing a new kitten home that already has another cat can be a tricky thing. There are many ways to slowly ween your old feline to be more comfortable with your new one and I will tell you how. There are lots of things that can happen when a pet owner first introduces another kitty into the family...More...
How to Select a Cat Urine Remover
Many people love their indoor cats, but nobody likes the cat urine smells and stains that they sometimes leave behind. Only a high-quality cat urine remover will truly get rid of that rancid smell. Regular stain removers will not---they will only mask it. There are many different types of cat urine ...More...
How to Lure a Cat Into a Humane Trap Cage
Humanely trapping stray and feral cats is the first step toward non-lethal population control measures. According to the Feral Cat Coalition in San Diego, California, this method of managing feral cats is much more effective than extermination. (See References 1) Since they have begun the trap-neut...More...
How to Induce Vomiting in Cats
With so many things that are toxic for cats just in people's gardens alone, it can be easy for them to find their way into trouble. While you see your garden as colorful and beautiful, your cat sees it as an all you can eat salad bar. If kitty happens to have eaten or swallowed something that isn't ...More...
Cat Pregnancy Tips
Pregnant cats require special care for their health, along with that of their kittens.mother cat feeding her kittens image by Cherry-Merry from Fotolia.comA cat pregnancy is often a joyful and exciting occasion. Just like humans, however, cats require special care when they are expecting.......More...
2012 Cat Picture of the Week: Skunk and Shaydee
Cat Pictures of the Week are chosen from submittals to select Show and Tell picture galleries on this site (most often from the featured gallery of the month). May is for tuxedo cats, and Skunk and his sister Shaydee make an ideal pair for the first Cat Picture of the Week for May....More...
"I Could Pee on This," by Francesco Marciuliano
For anyone fascinated with the strange workings of the minds of cats, anyone who loves cat humor, or just those who love to look at photos of cute cats, this book is a winner. Read my full review of "I Could Pee on This," a delightful little book....More...
How to Build a Cat Climbing Pole
Unlike cat trees, which have multiple resting platforms, or cat condos, which have enclosed sleeping areas and platforms, cat poles have only a single platform, if any. Cat poles made from recycled materials entertain your cat while keeping bulky items out of landfills. Climbing poles provide a plac...More...
How to Get Rid of a Urinary Tract Infection in Cats
If you're wondering how to get rid of a urinary tract infection in cats, then you've probably seen the kind of pain your pet goes through when suffering with a cat UTI. In this article, you'll learn how to stop an infection in its tracks and get rid of it for good....More...
Bartonella & Osteomyelitis
Bartonella henselae is a type of bacteria that is found in the saliva of cats. These bacteria can be passed from cats to human beings, causing an illness known as cat-scratch disease (CSD). In very rare cases, cat-scratch disease can lead to other complications, including bone infection (osteomyelit...More...
Buying A Cat, Or How To Choose The Right Cat For Me
When buying a cat don't look at the animal first. I know this sounds counter intuitive and the first thing we want to do is pick up and cuddle those loveable little fur balls but don't. First take a look at the environment she and her litter mates have been raised in....More...
Learning About Your Cat Before Starting Your Cat's Behavior Training
Before starting cat behavior training it is wise to spend some time learning about your cat and what actually makes it tick. It is surprising how little cat owners actually know about their pets. The more understanding that you have your cat, the easier it will be to train your cat....More...
Roundworms and Tapeworms In Cats - Symptoms and Treatments
One of the biggest concerns for cat lovers and cat owners is the formation of worms in cats. These worms include roundworms, tapeworms, hookworms and several others. This article is a brief guide to help you understand the different symptoms and possible treatment methods for these worms found in ca...More...
BeeGee: Requiem for a Splendid Cat
Memorial to BeeGee, a cat who will be missed by all who knew and loved her...More...
Tips on How To Pick A Kitten From The Litter
Looking at a pen full of kittens, it is hard to make a choice which one to take home. It is an exciting process to choose the kitten you want, and looking at each and every kitten in the litter is a fun experience. Observe the litter, and watch their reaction as they see you. Take note of their beha...More...
Cat Meowing - Why They do it, What it Means and How to Stop Unwanted Meowing
It is estimated that cats have roughly 100 vocal sounds and that they reserve all of them for communication with their owners. (They very rarely meow at other cats.) It can take a while but, if you listen to the different types of meow, you'll begin to pick up on what each one means (much like ...More...
Kitten With a Stuffy Nose
It can be easy to dismiss a kitten who has a stuffy nose as just a cat with a cold. However, while a stuffy nose certainly can be as simple as a cold, it might also indicate something more serious, such as feline herpes, which can be a lifelong affliction. Owners should become familiar with methods ...More...
How To Recognize and Stop Feline Urinary Tract Infections Early
How can you recognize feline Urinary Tract Infections early on, to save your kitty needless pain, and damage to your home from her cat urine? This article will outline the steps you can take to preve......More...
Information About Ragdoll Cats & Kittens
Ragdolls are one of the most popular breeds in the cat world. Their calm, easy-going and loving natures are a few of the leading reasons why most cat lovers adore this long-haired breed. Although ragdolls have many good traits associated with the breed, potential owners should research the felines t...More...
Cat Pregnancy Questions
Cats average three to six kittens per litter.kittens nursing / mother cat image by Katrina Miller from Fotolia.comWhether you intended on your cat getting pregnant or it just happened, knowing what to expect is crucial to the health of your feline and her kittens. It's important to......More...
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