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Pets Cats : Pets & Animal
2009 Tortoiseshell Cats Picture Gallery: Miss Kitty
Tortoiseshell cats are cloaked in the color of falling leaves in November with their interwoven patterns of red, gold, and black. "Torties" are like potato chips; once you've enjoyed one, you'll want more. Feast your eyes on this parade of lovely tortoiseshell cats pictures, then...More...
Signs of Cat Mange
Mange in cats is a treatable condition of the skin. Different types of mange exist, and a number of symptoms may appear when a cat has mange....More...
Learn How to Litter Train Your Cat
Believe it or not, it's not rocket science to litter train your cat to use a litter box. So stop for a minute and take a deep breath and exhale....More...
2010 Tabby Cats Picture Gallery: Bobby
Tabby cats are almost as old as Mother Earth herself, and are the epitome of Catness in all its wonder and glory. Because Mother Earth comes alive in the Spring, when the earth is rich with promises of things to be, we celebrate tabby cats in our March Cat Picture Calendar You'll find dozens of...More...
The Savannah Cat Has The Look of the Wild
Breed information about the Savannah cat breed, its standards, profile, history, and personality traits....More...
Rescued Cats Picture Gallery - Spook
Cat rescue not only involves organized groups, but also those generous individuals who rescue abandoned, injured, or abused cats and personally adopt them into their own homes. These pictures depict cats whose lives have changed completely in their new forever homes....More...
Rear Leg Weakness in Cats
Serious rear leg weakness problems in cats are often noted when a cat is not walking on the pads of the paws, but rather on its hocks, which are the cat's back leg points, comparable to the ankles of a person. Although some other issues are not as serious, all signs of weakness in the legs should be...More...
Common Antibiotics for Cats
Cats often resist taking pills, so it might be difficult to give them image by Zbigniew Nowak from Fotolia.comA cat should not be treated with antibiotics unless its veterinarian has diagnosed an infection and determined which drug would be best. warns......More...
Excessive Urination & Hairball Vomiting in Cats
According to the American Veterinarian Medical Association, there are almost 82 million pet cats in the United States. While felines largely take care of themselves, a cat owner should be aware of the causes and signs of excessive urination and hairball vomiting....More...
Alternative Healing for Nasal Congestion in Cats
If your cat is sneezing or has a runny nose, your cat may be suffering from nasal congestion and an accompanying upper respiratory infection. Both are common in cats and are generally similar to a cold in humans. Unless your cat doesn't respond to home treatment for her nasal congestion, or unless h...More...
Cats Training
Cats training is a possible, and a time consuming endeavor, since cats are more independent than dogs. Though older cats can be trained to some extent, if you really want an obedient and trained cat, you need to start when they are very young. Basically there are different types of cats training lik...More...
How to Get Your Cat Spayed or Neutered at No- or Low-Cost
Pounds and shelters euthanize about five million abandoned pets each year in the U.S., according to the Friends of Animals organization. This is often the result of overpopulation due to pet owners that have not taken responsibility for their animals. While pet owners often use cost as a reason to a...More...
2009 Valentine Cats Picture Gallery: Solid & Piper
Although our bond with our cats goes on beyond life itself, on Valentine Day, we celebrate our love for them, theirs for us, and for other cats they bond with. These cat-enhanced Valentine cards were sent by our community of readers of the Cats site, and I invite you to enjoy them as I do....More...
Feline Idiopathic Vestibular Disease
According to the Veterinary Neurological Center, the vestibular system in animals helps them maintain their sense of balance and orientation. A condition known as feline idiopathic vestibular disease, an abnormality of the vestibular system, affects a cat's ability to maintain balance....More...
Special Care for Outdoor Cats
Does your cat enjoy spending time outside? If so, you should take time to learn about some of the dangers your cat faces and what you can do to minimize the risks to your pet's health....More...
Cystitis in Cats - How to Stop it Before it Starts
Unfortunately, cystitis in cats is a fast growing problem for cat owners in the United States.It is not unusual for cats to have repeated bouts with urinary tract problems and infections. It can be very frustrating to deal with recurring incidents of cat urinary infections. But you can take action a...More...
How to Make a Scratching Post & Kitty Condo
A variety of scratching posts and cat condos are commercially available, but their prices make them difficult to obtain. Make kitty condos, cat trees and scratching posts from home using basic materials and tools to save money and increase the possibility for customization....More...
February White Cats Picture Gallery: Kevin
February is the last big push of winter, and represents the glistening snow that blankets the budding crocuses beneath. You won't feel cold at all, though, with a white February cat to warm your heart and your lap....More...
How to Cure Constipation in Cats
Most cats get constipated and it's usually not serious, but it can be if not treated. It is caused from the commercial dry pet food and hairballs. If your cat's diet is a totally dry food diet, then she will experience constipation quite frequently. 25% of vet visits from cat owners are du...More...
Should Cats Drink Milk?
Iconic to cat ownership is the image of a fluffy kitty perched on a counter top, contentedly lapping up a bowl of milk. You never hear anybody recommending milk to cats, though. Why?...More...
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