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Pets Cats : Pets & Animal
Head Injuries in a Cat
Feline head injuries can be life-threatening, if left untreated. Owners who find that their cat has suffered some type of head trauma should seek emergency veterinary care immediately, as untreated head injuries can result in death....More...
2010 Wordless Wednesday Picture Gallery: A Lick and a Promise
Wordless Wednesday is a social networking idea started by the Wordless Wednesday web site. Under the premise that "a picture is worth a thousand words," that's exactly what participants try to do, with eye-catching photos and a short punchy title. You are invited to submit a Wordless ...More...
What Are Cat Enclosures?
What are cat enclosures and what is the difference between them? This article describes the various types of cat enclosures, their function and cost....More...
Cat Bedding Tips - Use These Tips When Selecting Cat Bedding
Cats can be very weird creatures, and can be found sleeping in places you would never think of, like finding them curled up in a laundry basket. They nap about fourteen hours a day, even if they only truly have REM sleep about 6-8 hours. The biggest problem is when they find places like the end of y...More...
Triamcinolone Allergy in Cats
Triamcinolone is a prescription steroid medication that is used to treat arthritis as well as skin allergies. Ironically, some cats that are treated for allergies with triamcinolone may experience an allergic reaction to the medication. There are other common side effects associated with triamcinolo...More...
How to Make a Cat Tree - 3 Important Considerations Before You Start Your DIY Cat Tree Project
Learning how to make a cat tree can be an excellent way to spend a weekend, and your favorite feline will love you for it. If you've spent any amount of time looking for cat trees online or at a local pet store, then you've probably realized a few things....More...
Geriatric Dog Diet
In recent years, the way we feed our pets as they age has become a topic of great interest in the pet food market. Dog food is no longer just dog food. The days of feeding puppies, adult dogs and geriatric dogs the same way has passed, for now we understand more about the nutritional needs of our pe...More...
2008 Black Cats Picture Gallery: Salem
October is synonymous with Black Cat Month. Since our previous black cat photo galleries are overflowing with photos of stunning, sleek black cats, here is a new 2008 Black Cats Picture Gallery. Of course, aficionados of these Parlor Panthers adore black cats year-round....More...
2009 Tortoiseshell Cats Picture Gallery: Peppurr
Tortoiseshell cats are cloaked in the color of falling leaves in November with their interwoven patterns of red, gold, and black. "Torties" are like potato chips; once you've enjoyed one, you'll want more. Feast your eyes on this parade of lovely tortoiseshell cats pictures, then...More...
Understanding FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) and How it Affects Your Cat
What is FIV? How is it transmitted? What are it's symptoms and how does it develop? How do you test for FIV? Can it be treated?...More...
2010 Tabby Cats Picture Gallery: Mittens
Tabby cats are almost as old as Mother Earth herself, and are the epitome of Catness in all its wonder and glory. Because Mother Earth comes alive in the Spring, when the earth is rich with promises of things to be, we celebrate tabby cats in our March Cat Picture Calendar You'll find dozens of...More...
How to Find a Missing Cat
Many people own cats for the love, companionship and entertainment that they provide. A pet cat is often treated as part of the family rather than as an animal, which can make it upsetting if the cat disappears. It is not always possible to find a missing cat, but there are some things owners can do...More...
Adult Cat's Annual Veterinary Exam
Contrary to some opinions, cats are not low-maintenance pets. They require the same loving care as dogs, pet birds, and exotic pets. All adult cats should be seen by their veterinarian, at least once a year, for a routine...More...
Things Your Vet Won't Tell You About Fiv (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus)
Each year, scores of pet owners receive the shocking news that their beloved cats have been diagnosed with FIV (also known as the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus). But there are many things veterinarians typically don't tell these pet owners about the realities of this disease and the available t...More...
Your Cat: When to Contact a Vet?
Your cat is your little playful treasure. How do you know if it feels under the weather?...More...
Cat Picture of the Week: Figgy and Roonie
The Cats site honors a Cat Picture of the Week, which is posted on the main page each week as well as in this gallery. This gallery is starting fresh for the year 2008, and my intent is to post subsequent galleries each year. Other Cat of the Week galleries are linked here. I do not accept...More...
How to Increase Weight on a Cat
Although there are variations between breeds, a healthy cat typically weighs between 8 and 10 pounds. According to Craig Bond, DVM, even a healthy cat's weight can fluctuate by as much as a pound or two from season to season because cats tend to eat more in the cold months and less in the warm month...More...
Cat Safety
All cat owners want their cat to have a long, happy and healthy life. However, this doesn't just happen, it is your responsibility as a cat owner to make it happen. Remember that your cat relies on you for its safety and protection, and therefore needs to pay attention to these issues and take ...More...
Cats and Their Pets Picture Gallery: Toby, Tia, Little Bo, Molly & Their "Bird"
For centuries, cats have been happy to live in harmony with dogs, rabbits, goldfish and other domesticated critters, as these pictures with attest to. However, cat lovers all know that a cat is the sole owner of his or her household and every living being who resides in it. The typical cat will look...More...
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