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Cultures & Groups : Society & Culture & Entertainment
Comparison of Krumping & African Tribal Dances
Arising from gang-ridden South Central Los Angeles, krump appears as a cultural phoenix once buried deep beneath piles of ashes created from neighborhood warfare. Krump dance movements aggressively defy death, violence and destruction. Similar to the movement's ancient roots in tribal Africa, dancer...More...
Hawaiian Islands Facts
The Hawaiian Islands are made up of 19 islands and atolls. The islands form the U.S. state of Hawaii---America's newest and most southern state, and the only one entirely surrounded by water....More...
How to Win Friends in Asia
Asia has recently emerged as an exciting place to be in. Many expat surveys and polls have found that foreigners have increasingly begun to look to Asia as the place to settle down in for ... ...More...
Compare the Romans to the Greeks
Ancient Greece and Rome both originated as city states. Greece was the elder civilization and exerted much influence on ancient Rome's development. Rome diverged in significant ways, however, resulting in multiple points of disparity between the two civilizations....More...
Fascinating Scottish Traditions and Customs
Which are the things we know about Scotland? Other than their adorable accent and their testosterone fueled menfolk in their men's kilt, there are so many fascinating things about the Scots that are worth considering. ... ...More...
The Differences Between the Adena and Hopewell Indian Tribes
The ancient Adena and Hopewell Native-American tribes of North America are more properly described not as tribes but as cultures. These designations refer to two different cultures, separated by hundreds of years, but both inhabiting the same region around present-day Ohio and sharing certain cultur...More...
Victorian Social Morals
The years 1837 to 1901 are referred to as the Victorian era. These years were characterized by moral standards of behavior that varied depending upon gender and social class. In this era, rights and morals went hand-in-hand....More...
Ancient Flying Crafts
The dream of flight has nagged at humanity since we first witnessed birds strutting effortlessly in the air. Unfortunately, most ancient attempts at flight were painfully clumsy, but admirable nonetheless. From the legend of Icarus in Greek mythology to da Vinci's ornithopter, to monks on hang glide...More...
The Significance of Chinese Lanterns
Chinese lanterns are more significant than simple paper decorations—they symbolize vitality, social status and good luck. Throughout the ages, the Chinese have used lanterns not only as sources of light, but as forms of silent communication. Chinese New Year celebrations close with a festival ...More...
Characteristics of Generation X Individuals
Generation X denotes those born in the years after the Baby Boom.hackysack image by jbach from Fotolia.comGeneration X was a punk band fronted by Billy Idol, who went on to become a pop-culture icon of the youth of the 1980s. Those youth would themselves be tagged with the name......More...
History of Tobacco Pipes
Pipe smoking has been around since ancient times. Throughout history, different kinds of pipes have been used for medicinal as well as religious purposes. However, it was only around the year 1492 that pipes began to be used for tobacco smoking. Ever since, pipes have been popular among smokers. Thr...More...
Had Slavic People Connections With Ancient Dravidians?
The origin of the word "Sloven" is not quite clear. In Tamil, one of the oldest languages in the world (of Dravidian origin), the word "sol" (the term may also be inflected as "solu-", "solv-", ... ...More...
How to Identify Buttons from the Indian Wars
The Indian Wars are a period in American history when Native American tribes clashed with the United States government and thus, with the U.S. Army. Uniforms during this period bore what are called Indian War buttons, though many of them still used Civil War era buttons. If you're not sure what era ...More...
Get full people profile with Background Finder
As well all know that Background check is very important things. Background check will help you in finding most important details about the person within stipulated period of time via the Internet. Tenant Discrimination Insurance(TDI) ... ...More...
Uzbek Restaurants in New York
New York City is known as the most diverse of American cities, so it should come as no surprise that it offers restaurants with food from Uzbekistan. This central Asian country, bordered by Kazakhstan, Afghanistan and other countries, is home to diverse cultures that have brought their......More...
Myanmar Traditional Dance
Witnessing traditional Myanmar dance is a shocking and mesmerizing experience to a foreign onlooker. Folk dancers gather in bright, draped costumes, sometimes with tall hats and long, colored jewelery; they move in slinking, almost contortion-like movements. Every Myanmar, or Burmese, dance movement...More...
Historical Monuments in Delhi
Delhi is home to some of the great monuments of India.humayuns tomb image by Horticulture from Fotolia.comDelhi is the gateway to India for most overseas visitors and has been a crossroads of history in India for centuries, where Muslim and Hindu cultures have merged. The vibrant,......More...
Cultural Differences in Divorce
While divorce is typically not encouraged or applauded in the marriages of most cultures, subtle and blatant differences in the acceptability of divorce vary from culture to culture. While some cultures honor and respect the individuality and independence of those bound in a marital union, others mo...More...
How to Recognize a Student's Progress
When you recognize people for their work, it "helps reinforce the actions and behaviors you most want to see people repeat," says M.J. Helms in an interview with "Smart Business Atlanta" magazine. When a student does well in school, the same principle applies. Using both tangible and intangible rewa...More...
Early Colonial American Art
The artistic output in the early years of the North American colonies is somewhat sparse. Life in the New World was precarious and the early settlers found that survival and subsistence took precedence over artistic achievement. Many of the early colonists were also religious purists who tended to ...More...
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