How to Make Braided Nylon Belts
- 1). Measure your waist and multiply it by two. Purchase enough cording or ribbon for three times that measurement. Nylon cording and ribbon often comes in spools so you may have more than you need for this one project. Cut double your waist measurement off the spool and then cut off two more of the same lengths.
- 2). Knot the ends of each length of nylon. If desired, add a bead to the end of the pieces before knotting. Choose beads that work well with the colors and textures of nylon you have chosen for your belt.
- 3). Lay the cording or ribbon next to each other. Measure each length 3 inches from the end and wrap a small amount of extra cording or ribbon around the three pieces of ribbon. Knot securely, as this will keep the ribbons together while braiding.
- 4). Braid the cord or ribbon from the place where you secured the knot. Pull the left cord over the center cord and the right cord over the center cord and then the left cord over the center cord again. Keep doing this until the length of ribbon is almost completely braided.
- 5). Tie the belt around your waist to make sure that it fits properly. Securely tie the other end of the braid three inches from the end with a piece of ribbon or cording so that both ends are secure. Cut off any ends that appear awkward or out of place.