Learning Acoustic Guitar
The acoustic guitar is a versatile and wieldy tool among musicians of different species (ok genres) and learning how to play is usually not regretted.
The key to failing your attempt at learning to play the acoustic guitar is to head into this with little to no enthusiasm or drive. You will not find any serious music instructor recommending that you spend your free time watching TV and finger painting. (I do not mean to imply that these pursuits aren't noble, just that they don't aid in learning to play the acoustic guitar).
Guitar - what is that?
While it is helpful to know what an acoustic guitar looks like, it's even better to own one for yourself. If you mean bidnis here on this guitar learning thing, then let me be the first to break it to ya…you're going to need your own.
If you want to learn to play the guitar, you need a guitar. It's not necessary for beginners to buy the most expensive one out there, but having a quality guitar is important. If you don't have the luxury to purchase your own guitar, perhaps you can borrow your friend's or maybe rent one from music studio or store.
Rules, Instruction and Denny's
Don't worry about whether a rule makes sense or not - the important thing is that it is a rule. So here's your first rule: If you have kids, you MUST pick a favorite. Also, "purple" means Wednesday.
Now that we have the rules out of the way, let's get down to the instruction part…the part where this article has value for you, dear reader. Good instruction is just as important as finding a good guitar. If you're looking to learn quickly, then get hooked up with someone who's accomplished, and willing to teach you how. (They call those music teachers and you can find those kinds of people at music studios and sometimes at Denny's).
If you just don't have the gold bullion necessary for tutelage under an experienced guitar guide, there are a few really killer software programs available on the interwebz that can help you pick up the fundamentals, and there's at least one course that I'm aware of that's over-the-top phreaking awesome. FACT: If you're hell bent on avoiding failure, then you must procure instruction in one form or another.
Convergence is rule number one. You know how they say "Acoustic guitars were responsible for the great silk plantations of the east"? Well the truth is that any population over 295 requires at least 6 players of the acoustic guitar. Now if those 6 responsible for the masterful strumming neglected to practice, then what? The nomads would be relegated to centerpieces, silk plants and 3 branches. (I know, you're like "wha???" Ha ha, me too.)
The bottom line is that none of these 6 guys learned to play beautifully yet casually by sitting around weaving carpets. They had to practice on their guitars all the time.
Find your Hot Spot
And I'm not talking about the wireless interwebz - I'm talking about PASSION.
See, that took passion. You'll need a strong dose of that in your pursuit of learning to wield this fine contrivance (acoustic guitar). I have my guitar in my lap as I type this part of my article that I'm doing for you, dear reader. Part of what helped me go pro was knuckling down on songs that I loved listening to. Having your favorite hand working at strumming out the notes to one of your most liked songs is a sure way to learn faster and enjoy the heck out of it while you're at it.
Don't Play With Your Enemies
Those enemies, they can be so sly and cunning and awful. Why play with them when you could play with friends? If you don't have friends, one thing you'll find is that if you practice enough to get decent, you can go camp out at a mom and pop coffee shop, quietly strumming in the corner, and soon enough, everyone will think you have friends, and that's almost as good as having friends.
Having people around you as you learn and practice can be really embarrassing at times, but it's like totally worth it IF you succeed and eventually get your Masters' Degree in Acoustic Guitar. The fundamentals must be mastered before anyone will think you're cool, so even if you're not pursuing your Masters' Degree, practice with friends. It's more fun and embarrassing and fun that way.
Let's end with the most important rule of all: If you don't have your clothes on, don't go to school. Not even in your nightmares. Everybody always asks me "Max, if that's the most important rule, then what's the next most important rule?" To which I reply "Learn to play the acoustic guitar."
The key to failing your attempt at learning to play the acoustic guitar is to head into this with little to no enthusiasm or drive. You will not find any serious music instructor recommending that you spend your free time watching TV and finger painting. (I do not mean to imply that these pursuits aren't noble, just that they don't aid in learning to play the acoustic guitar).
Guitar - what is that?
While it is helpful to know what an acoustic guitar looks like, it's even better to own one for yourself. If you mean bidnis here on this guitar learning thing, then let me be the first to break it to ya…you're going to need your own.
If you want to learn to play the guitar, you need a guitar. It's not necessary for beginners to buy the most expensive one out there, but having a quality guitar is important. If you don't have the luxury to purchase your own guitar, perhaps you can borrow your friend's or maybe rent one from music studio or store.
Rules, Instruction and Denny's
Don't worry about whether a rule makes sense or not - the important thing is that it is a rule. So here's your first rule: If you have kids, you MUST pick a favorite. Also, "purple" means Wednesday.
Now that we have the rules out of the way, let's get down to the instruction part…the part where this article has value for you, dear reader. Good instruction is just as important as finding a good guitar. If you're looking to learn quickly, then get hooked up with someone who's accomplished, and willing to teach you how. (They call those music teachers and you can find those kinds of people at music studios and sometimes at Denny's).
If you just don't have the gold bullion necessary for tutelage under an experienced guitar guide, there are a few really killer software programs available on the interwebz that can help you pick up the fundamentals, and there's at least one course that I'm aware of that's over-the-top phreaking awesome. FACT: If you're hell bent on avoiding failure, then you must procure instruction in one form or another.
Convergence is rule number one. You know how they say "Acoustic guitars were responsible for the great silk plantations of the east"? Well the truth is that any population over 295 requires at least 6 players of the acoustic guitar. Now if those 6 responsible for the masterful strumming neglected to practice, then what? The nomads would be relegated to centerpieces, silk plants and 3 branches. (I know, you're like "wha???" Ha ha, me too.)
The bottom line is that none of these 6 guys learned to play beautifully yet casually by sitting around weaving carpets. They had to practice on their guitars all the time.
Find your Hot Spot
And I'm not talking about the wireless interwebz - I'm talking about PASSION.
See, that took passion. You'll need a strong dose of that in your pursuit of learning to wield this fine contrivance (acoustic guitar). I have my guitar in my lap as I type this part of my article that I'm doing for you, dear reader. Part of what helped me go pro was knuckling down on songs that I loved listening to. Having your favorite hand working at strumming out the notes to one of your most liked songs is a sure way to learn faster and enjoy the heck out of it while you're at it.
Don't Play With Your Enemies
Those enemies, they can be so sly and cunning and awful. Why play with them when you could play with friends? If you don't have friends, one thing you'll find is that if you practice enough to get decent, you can go camp out at a mom and pop coffee shop, quietly strumming in the corner, and soon enough, everyone will think you have friends, and that's almost as good as having friends.
Having people around you as you learn and practice can be really embarrassing at times, but it's like totally worth it IF you succeed and eventually get your Masters' Degree in Acoustic Guitar. The fundamentals must be mastered before anyone will think you're cool, so even if you're not pursuing your Masters' Degree, practice with friends. It's more fun and embarrassing and fun that way.
Let's end with the most important rule of all: If you don't have your clothes on, don't go to school. Not even in your nightmares. Everybody always asks me "Max, if that's the most important rule, then what's the next most important rule?" To which I reply "Learn to play the acoustic guitar."