Laser Acne Removal An Increasing Trend
Acne is quite a problem for many people and in this day and age of resistant bacteria, antibiotic therapy is not as successful for acne as it used to be. However, there is an increasing trend in laser acne removal which seems to be working great for some patients. Lasers are highly concentrated beams of light which are focused on one particular area for treatment purposes.
Working Two Ways
Laser acne removal works two ways to help you get rid of the breakouts that have wrecked havoc on your skin and social life. First, lasers are used to kill the bacteria that cause the outbreaks of redness and pustules that acne can bring to your skin. Then, these lasers also work to shrink the oil glands (sebaceous) that contribute to the breakouts on your skin which in turn reduces the oil production.
Scars, discolorations and disfigurements from acne are the second way that laser acne removal works for you. If you have scarring or other permanent reminders from the acne, the lasers can help remove them permanently. Laser acne removal works to stimulate new growth of collagen in your skin which ends up filling and smoothing these scarred areas from within the skin first.
Laser acne removal also helps with the discolorations left behind from previous breakouts that have not yet faded. It may take a few treatments but lasers help diminish the appearance of red and brown discoloration of your skin. After some healing time, you are left with smooth, healthy skin with a fresh glow that is well-earned after a life of breakouts.
Side Effects
The good news about laser acne removal is that there are very few side effects, meaning you can squeeze a treatment in between your lunch break and work! You can expect some temporary redness and swelling in the general skin area that was lasered but these side effects fade with time. Some people may experience a minor tingling or burning sensation on the skin area where laser acne removal occurred but these too fade with time.
Hyper pigmentation is a less common side effect of laser acne removal and those patients with darker skin such as Latinos and African-Americans are most affected. Special skin products, particularly those that protect against the UVA and UVB rays of the sun are required to protect your healing skin.
All in all, laser acne removal is a successful way to not only decrease your level of breakouts by killing bacteria and shrinking the oil glands but also by smoothing out scars. The result is healthy looking skin that is relatively blemish-free (depending on your circumstances).
Working Two Ways
Laser acne removal works two ways to help you get rid of the breakouts that have wrecked havoc on your skin and social life. First, lasers are used to kill the bacteria that cause the outbreaks of redness and pustules that acne can bring to your skin. Then, these lasers also work to shrink the oil glands (sebaceous) that contribute to the breakouts on your skin which in turn reduces the oil production.
Scars, discolorations and disfigurements from acne are the second way that laser acne removal works for you. If you have scarring or other permanent reminders from the acne, the lasers can help remove them permanently. Laser acne removal works to stimulate new growth of collagen in your skin which ends up filling and smoothing these scarred areas from within the skin first.
Laser acne removal also helps with the discolorations left behind from previous breakouts that have not yet faded. It may take a few treatments but lasers help diminish the appearance of red and brown discoloration of your skin. After some healing time, you are left with smooth, healthy skin with a fresh glow that is well-earned after a life of breakouts.
Side Effects
The good news about laser acne removal is that there are very few side effects, meaning you can squeeze a treatment in between your lunch break and work! You can expect some temporary redness and swelling in the general skin area that was lasered but these side effects fade with time. Some people may experience a minor tingling or burning sensation on the skin area where laser acne removal occurred but these too fade with time.
Hyper pigmentation is a less common side effect of laser acne removal and those patients with darker skin such as Latinos and African-Americans are most affected. Special skin products, particularly those that protect against the UVA and UVB rays of the sun are required to protect your healing skin.
All in all, laser acne removal is a successful way to not only decrease your level of breakouts by killing bacteria and shrinking the oil glands but also by smoothing out scars. The result is healthy looking skin that is relatively blemish-free (depending on your circumstances).