How to Clean Chocolate off Satin Shoes
- 1). Harden the chocolate by placing your shoe in the refrigerator. Keep the shoe in there until the chocolate has completely hardened.
- 2). Scrape the chocolate off gently with a butter knife. Be very careful when dealing with the butter knife to ensure you don’t tear the fabric or damage it.
- 3). Fill a small bucket with water and liquid laundry detergent. Use the instructions for the ratio laundry detergent to water.
- 4). Place the shoe in the water and take a soft cloth and gently rub the stain. Allow the shoe to sit in the water until the chocolate stain is fully removed.
- 5). Remove the shoe from the water and stuff the inside with a dry, soft cloth to help it maintain its shape.
- 6). Wrap the shoe with dry paper towels and allow it to air dry. This will prevent any water stains from appearing on the satin shoe.