How to Coat a Pendant With Future Shine
- 1). Shape your clay pendant as you wish. Gently sand it or rub steel wool on it when wet if you want a glossier finish.
- 2). Thread copper wire or flower wire through the top of the pendant to create a hole where you can hang it on a necklace.
- 3). Fill a plastic bowl with Future Shine to a level a bit higher than the height of your pendant. Hold the two sides of the wire and lower the pendant into the bowl so that the pendant is fully immersed in the Future Shine.
- 4). Fold the two ends of the wire inward so that you can comfortably hold the pendant in your weaker hand if you do not have someone to hold the wires for you. Use an artist's brush to smooth out the coat of Future Shine so that it is evenly applied on both sides of the pendant. Make sure no Future Shine is dripping at the bottom of the pendant.
- 5). Place the pendant on a baking sheet or other support and remove the wire. Bake the pendant in your oven at 265 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 minutes or according to the directions on the polymer clay package. Allow the pendant to cool after you finish baking it and then repeat Steps 3 and 4. Once it cools after the second coat, you can thread the pendant onto a necklace and wear it.