Are Your Thoughts Making You Crazy?
"Unease, stress, boredom, anxiety and dissatisfaction come from compulsive, unfulfilled wanting.
" ~ Eckhart Tolle Eckhart Tolle's statement above from his book, "The Power of Now", inspired me to explore, in more depth, the cause of my own anxiety and what exactly it is that I am wanting or not satisfied with.
After I pondered that question, I realized the majority of the time what I was longing for was not to be in the moment I was in.
I was trying to get away from my current situation by resisting the present moment and thus, anxiety arose.
Any time we resist 'what is,' some form of fear or resistance will manifest.
My resistance manifested in the form of anxiety.
Other forms of resistance appear as stress and boredom as well as anger, grief, depression and so on.
My anxiety still occurs at times, but due to my continuous practice of changing my 'thinking' body to a 'feeling' body, I am able to realize the insanity of non-acceptance - of not being in alignment with what is - and thus I feel more peace and calm.
You too, can empower yourself to enjoy this freedom.
When you find yourself resisting what is, (you will know you are resisting from the emotions that arise within you), first check in with yourself as to what thoughts you are processing at the moment.
We tend to go into automatic 'story telling' in our heads when we are not happy with our situation.
Many of these stories are negative and can cause unwanted emotions in our bodies - we become a 'thinking' body.
An example of this is being caught in a traffic jam and you are already late to work or late picking up your child.
We have all been in some kind of traffic jam so I am sure you can relate on some level.
Can you remember the emotions that arose from those experiences? So how do you change your 'thinking' body to a 'feeling' body and start to overcome your fears and resistance, in whatever form they take? Here is how: oSet an intention - Say out loud to yourself what you want to accomplish.
You can also write it down if you are more visual.
Here are some examples: ~ I am changing from a thinking body to a feeling body.
~ I am aware of my thoughts.
~ I am aware of my energy body.
~ I take the time every day to feel my inner being.
oThought Awareness - Most of us think just like we breathe - without awareness.
Check in with yourself a few times every day to become aware of what you are thinking.
Our thoughts are mostly negative and self-limiting - start to become aware of this.
oFeel the Energy - Take 1-5 minutes every day to sit and 'feel' your inner body.
Close your eyes.
Start by concentrating on one of your hands- for example your right hand.
Focus on the feeling in your hand.
If you did not know your hand was there, how would you know it is there? After a minute or two, you may feel warmth, tingling or coolness in your hand.
It may take a few sessions to feel the energy in your body so do not get frustrated.
Practice this every day and once you do feel the energy in your hand, then you can try feeling your other hand, then both hands simultaneously.
One day you will be able to feel the energy of your entire inner body at once.
This process is a journey and it is your birthright to feel peace and joy.
Be kind to yourself and allow time to develop this practice.
Whenever you find yourself in a stressful situation and you notice unease and anxiety developing, become aware that it is the thoughts you are thinking that are making you feel like this.
Immediately take in a deep belly breath and exhale.
Start to FEEL the sensations in your body.
Do not think about it and create a story around it, just feel it.
You are on your way to unleashing your vibrant inner being so you can feel profound freedom and deep peace every day, no matter what.
" ~ Eckhart Tolle Eckhart Tolle's statement above from his book, "The Power of Now", inspired me to explore, in more depth, the cause of my own anxiety and what exactly it is that I am wanting or not satisfied with.
After I pondered that question, I realized the majority of the time what I was longing for was not to be in the moment I was in.
I was trying to get away from my current situation by resisting the present moment and thus, anxiety arose.
Any time we resist 'what is,' some form of fear or resistance will manifest.
My resistance manifested in the form of anxiety.
Other forms of resistance appear as stress and boredom as well as anger, grief, depression and so on.
My anxiety still occurs at times, but due to my continuous practice of changing my 'thinking' body to a 'feeling' body, I am able to realize the insanity of non-acceptance - of not being in alignment with what is - and thus I feel more peace and calm.
You too, can empower yourself to enjoy this freedom.
When you find yourself resisting what is, (you will know you are resisting from the emotions that arise within you), first check in with yourself as to what thoughts you are processing at the moment.
We tend to go into automatic 'story telling' in our heads when we are not happy with our situation.
Many of these stories are negative and can cause unwanted emotions in our bodies - we become a 'thinking' body.
An example of this is being caught in a traffic jam and you are already late to work or late picking up your child.
We have all been in some kind of traffic jam so I am sure you can relate on some level.
Can you remember the emotions that arose from those experiences? So how do you change your 'thinking' body to a 'feeling' body and start to overcome your fears and resistance, in whatever form they take? Here is how: oSet an intention - Say out loud to yourself what you want to accomplish.
You can also write it down if you are more visual.
Here are some examples: ~ I am changing from a thinking body to a feeling body.
~ I am aware of my thoughts.
~ I am aware of my energy body.
~ I take the time every day to feel my inner being.
oThought Awareness - Most of us think just like we breathe - without awareness.
Check in with yourself a few times every day to become aware of what you are thinking.
Our thoughts are mostly negative and self-limiting - start to become aware of this.
oFeel the Energy - Take 1-5 minutes every day to sit and 'feel' your inner body.
Close your eyes.
Start by concentrating on one of your hands- for example your right hand.
Focus on the feeling in your hand.
If you did not know your hand was there, how would you know it is there? After a minute or two, you may feel warmth, tingling or coolness in your hand.
It may take a few sessions to feel the energy in your body so do not get frustrated.
Practice this every day and once you do feel the energy in your hand, then you can try feeling your other hand, then both hands simultaneously.
One day you will be able to feel the energy of your entire inner body at once.
This process is a journey and it is your birthright to feel peace and joy.
Be kind to yourself and allow time to develop this practice.
Whenever you find yourself in a stressful situation and you notice unease and anxiety developing, become aware that it is the thoughts you are thinking that are making you feel like this.
Immediately take in a deep belly breath and exhale.
Start to FEEL the sensations in your body.
Do not think about it and create a story around it, just feel it.
You are on your way to unleashing your vibrant inner being so you can feel profound freedom and deep peace every day, no matter what.