Does Shaving Make Your Hair Grow Thicker?
When my brother was in junior high school and started shaving, he said that shaving caused hair to grow thicker.
So, he was going to shave all over his face so that he would look like a werewolf and maybe enjoy a lucrative career as a circus freak.
My brother is a moron, but I'd also heard from other people the same thing - that shaving makes your hair grow thicker.
Not only that, but I'd actually seen it happen when I started shaving my legs! Yikes! But the truth is that shaving doesn't make your hair grow back thicker.
Shaving has no effect whatsoever on the thickness, growth patterns, or color of your hair.
The hair follicles are too deep inside your skin for what happens at the surface to have an effect.
It's just another urban legend.
Just think about it - if it were true, balding men wouldn't need Rogaine.
They could just shave the part that was thinning and a thick, full head of hair would grow right back.
And people who shaved their heads would end up growing huge, frizzy afro's in their old age.
Simply not true.
Why It Seems To Be True If, like me, you've noticed thicker, darker hair growing back after you shave, you might be wondering why that is.
The reason is that you're cutting the hair at mid-shaft.
At the end, each hair gets thin and worn away.
When you cut it halfway in the middle, you're cutting it at the thickest part.
It'll then grow out and get thinner as it grows.
Just think of a carrot.
At the end, it's thin and pointy.
But if you cut it at the halfway point, it's thick.
Why do the hairs that grow back look so much darker? The reason is that your hairs get exposed to the sun, and when this happens, they get lighter in color.
The point where you cut it hasn't seen the light of day yet, so naturally it's going to be darker until you get some sun exposure.
The Myth Exposed Lots of people, like my idiot brother, believe that hair growth is caused by shaving.
After all, before you shaved, you didn't have hair growing there.
Now, you do! It makes perfect sense except for one simple fact - We're all genetically programmed to start growing hair in funny places at a certain age.
It's called puberty.
If you have any doubts left, let me dispel them by telling you that studies have been done on this phenomenon.
It was so widely believed that they conducted studies to see how shaving affects hair growth.
The result is that it doesn't at all.
So, shave away and don't be worried about it.
Use a clean, sharp razor and shave in the direction of the growing hair.
Although you might get a cleaner shave by going against the natural growth, don't do it because you can end up with ingrown hairs.
And don't bother trying to shave in areas where there's no hair growing.
It won't make you look like a werewolf.
So, he was going to shave all over his face so that he would look like a werewolf and maybe enjoy a lucrative career as a circus freak.
My brother is a moron, but I'd also heard from other people the same thing - that shaving makes your hair grow thicker.
Not only that, but I'd actually seen it happen when I started shaving my legs! Yikes! But the truth is that shaving doesn't make your hair grow back thicker.
Shaving has no effect whatsoever on the thickness, growth patterns, or color of your hair.
The hair follicles are too deep inside your skin for what happens at the surface to have an effect.
It's just another urban legend.
Just think about it - if it were true, balding men wouldn't need Rogaine.
They could just shave the part that was thinning and a thick, full head of hair would grow right back.
And people who shaved their heads would end up growing huge, frizzy afro's in their old age.
Simply not true.
Why It Seems To Be True If, like me, you've noticed thicker, darker hair growing back after you shave, you might be wondering why that is.
The reason is that you're cutting the hair at mid-shaft.
At the end, each hair gets thin and worn away.
When you cut it halfway in the middle, you're cutting it at the thickest part.
It'll then grow out and get thinner as it grows.
Just think of a carrot.
At the end, it's thin and pointy.
But if you cut it at the halfway point, it's thick.
Why do the hairs that grow back look so much darker? The reason is that your hairs get exposed to the sun, and when this happens, they get lighter in color.
The point where you cut it hasn't seen the light of day yet, so naturally it's going to be darker until you get some sun exposure.
The Myth Exposed Lots of people, like my idiot brother, believe that hair growth is caused by shaving.
After all, before you shaved, you didn't have hair growing there.
Now, you do! It makes perfect sense except for one simple fact - We're all genetically programmed to start growing hair in funny places at a certain age.
It's called puberty.
If you have any doubts left, let me dispel them by telling you that studies have been done on this phenomenon.
It was so widely believed that they conducted studies to see how shaving affects hair growth.
The result is that it doesn't at all.
So, shave away and don't be worried about it.
Use a clean, sharp razor and shave in the direction of the growing hair.
Although you might get a cleaner shave by going against the natural growth, don't do it because you can end up with ingrown hairs.
And don't bother trying to shave in areas where there's no hair growing.
It won't make you look like a werewolf.