How do I Convert a Microsoft Office Document Imaging File to JPEG?
- 1). Open the file you wish to convert using the Microsoft Document Imaging program.
- 2). Click "File" and "Save As." From the File Format drop-down box, select "TIFF," and then click "Save."
- 3). Open Microsoft Paint by clicking the "Start" button, "All Programs," "Accessories" and selecting the "Paint" icon.
- 4). Use Paint to open the TIFF file. First click the "Paint" button and "Open," then navigate to and select the desired file.
- 5). Save the file in JPEG (.jpg) format. First, click the "Paint" button and "Save As," then select "JPEG Picture" from the list. Name the file and click "Save."
- 6). Open the new JPEG file using another graphics viewer to confirm the success of the conversion.