Fear - False Expectation Appearing Real
The dictionary definition is as follows: A distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc, whether the threat is real or imagined! WOW how powerful, the distressing emotion is experienced in the same way whether the threat is REAL or IMAGINED, life is something that is experienced in the mind, the way you experience your life is entirely based on your perception of events that unfold in front of you.
The way that you feel when you watch a horror movie is exactly the way that you would feel if you were actually witnessing the event for real, to a lesser extent maybe, because if you REALLY didn't know that the images weren't real then most people wouldn't be able to remain seated for FEAR of being chopped to pieces by the big chainsaw man on the screen, yet the core emotion is the same none the less.
The more interesting part of FEAR is the way that it prevents us from acting, even when we know deep down that the action we are planning to take is the right action, or would dramatically improve our current situation or even our situation long term, we are paralysed by FEAR.
We are born with two fears the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises, everything else is learned.
As we grow and mature the way that we experience events and the way that our body naturally responds to them begins to lay a foundation of what occurrence will provoke FEAR, countless examples but to name a few: * Being chased by an angry dog * Doing a poor job of talking in front of classmates * The dark * Flying * Losing someone close to you, either through death or a merely a relationship FEAR of Public Speaking There are certain people who have already had negative experiences of the above and may have a good reason for being afraid, but in fact their past has very little to do with what happens in the future, worse still many people formulate an opinion of how they would feel if that event actually happened to them and their response to it; before it has ever happened, their brain develops an association to fear without any real evidence to prove that "IF" that event is experienced there is valid reason to be AFRAID or in a state of FEAR.
Your subconscious mind is largely responsible for using fear to restrict your action, as it knows that it doesn't have to change or develop and grow, providing you stay inside of your comfort zone and in fact your mind has been switched off for so long, as soon as you anticipate making a change in your life or embarking on a new relationship or changing that job or asking the bank for a loan, your mind will create the emotion of FEAR so that it DOESN'T have to do anything, it hasn't done anything since it learned that you shouldn't run into a busy road, jump out of a window or drink from the bright yellow bottle underneath the kitchen sink, it is actually there to protect you, but this protection should be listened to not always adhered to! Most successful people still experience the EMOTION of FEAR but they choose to use it positively rather than let it affect them negatively, instead of being afraid of speaking in front of an audience they see it as opportunity to improve and face their fear! Ancient Chinese proverb: A man is holding onto a rock in the middle of river during a heavy storm, his boat has been smashed to pieces, he is getting colder and his stamina is draining away as he is beaten relentlessly against the rock, if he holds onto the rock he will surely die, but he is AFRAID to let go as he doesn't know what's downstream.
At times we make constant excuses or make very little or no progression towards what we really want for FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN, we are afraid of it because it is somewhere that we haven't been before, our brain doesn't understand it because it has never experienced it, we rely on the imagery in our minds to make a decision and generally speaking the feeling is going to be a negative one.
It is for this reason that you should make a committed effort to do things outside of your comfort zone every single day, because you are constantly facing your fear and challenging your OLD LIMITING belief system, that system which is responsible for your so-called "ceiling".
In short as Susan Jeffers says we should "feel the fear and do it anyway", because as soon as we do we will find that the fear dissipates and we are left with a very wholesome feeling of pride for making even a tiny incremental step towards what we actually want, the boundary of the FEAR has moved and we have increased our comfort zone, not in just one direction either, everything else shifts along with it and hence we have an increase in the entire circle of comfort and this we will see manifested in all areas of our lives NOT just the area we have been focusing on - Cool hey:0) Bite-size NLP: Think of the image that you are so afraid of.
Close your eyes and feel the emotion for real, the chances are you will be experiencing the image through your own eyes, you are associated to it! A tiny change in perspective will dramatically change the way you feel about the event, rather than watching through your own eyes, try looking at the image on a movie screen, third eye perspective, so you are the "observer" immediately you will feel very different.
If the image has an animal or a person that is the cause of FEAR, then experiment with the sounds, make the voice or the animal noise high pitched, low pitched, speed it up, slow it down, lower the volume, then play some silly music over the top, to drown out the silly voice or animal noise, see you feel better already, the image if you are afraid is probably very close to your face, send it away a long way away and take all of the colour out and make it fuzzy! See hey presto, there is no FEAR really and all you have done is replay the image.
On a positive note you can do exactly the same if embarking on an interview or a training course or an important event, the outcome could be viewed to get EXACTLY the result that you want, rather than what you don't want! Oh you must see that through your own eyes, not the third eye observer.
The way that you feel when you watch a horror movie is exactly the way that you would feel if you were actually witnessing the event for real, to a lesser extent maybe, because if you REALLY didn't know that the images weren't real then most people wouldn't be able to remain seated for FEAR of being chopped to pieces by the big chainsaw man on the screen, yet the core emotion is the same none the less.
The more interesting part of FEAR is the way that it prevents us from acting, even when we know deep down that the action we are planning to take is the right action, or would dramatically improve our current situation or even our situation long term, we are paralysed by FEAR.
We are born with two fears the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises, everything else is learned.
As we grow and mature the way that we experience events and the way that our body naturally responds to them begins to lay a foundation of what occurrence will provoke FEAR, countless examples but to name a few: * Being chased by an angry dog * Doing a poor job of talking in front of classmates * The dark * Flying * Losing someone close to you, either through death or a merely a relationship FEAR of Public Speaking There are certain people who have already had negative experiences of the above and may have a good reason for being afraid, but in fact their past has very little to do with what happens in the future, worse still many people formulate an opinion of how they would feel if that event actually happened to them and their response to it; before it has ever happened, their brain develops an association to fear without any real evidence to prove that "IF" that event is experienced there is valid reason to be AFRAID or in a state of FEAR.
Your subconscious mind is largely responsible for using fear to restrict your action, as it knows that it doesn't have to change or develop and grow, providing you stay inside of your comfort zone and in fact your mind has been switched off for so long, as soon as you anticipate making a change in your life or embarking on a new relationship or changing that job or asking the bank for a loan, your mind will create the emotion of FEAR so that it DOESN'T have to do anything, it hasn't done anything since it learned that you shouldn't run into a busy road, jump out of a window or drink from the bright yellow bottle underneath the kitchen sink, it is actually there to protect you, but this protection should be listened to not always adhered to! Most successful people still experience the EMOTION of FEAR but they choose to use it positively rather than let it affect them negatively, instead of being afraid of speaking in front of an audience they see it as opportunity to improve and face their fear! Ancient Chinese proverb: A man is holding onto a rock in the middle of river during a heavy storm, his boat has been smashed to pieces, he is getting colder and his stamina is draining away as he is beaten relentlessly against the rock, if he holds onto the rock he will surely die, but he is AFRAID to let go as he doesn't know what's downstream.
At times we make constant excuses or make very little or no progression towards what we really want for FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN, we are afraid of it because it is somewhere that we haven't been before, our brain doesn't understand it because it has never experienced it, we rely on the imagery in our minds to make a decision and generally speaking the feeling is going to be a negative one.
It is for this reason that you should make a committed effort to do things outside of your comfort zone every single day, because you are constantly facing your fear and challenging your OLD LIMITING belief system, that system which is responsible for your so-called "ceiling".
In short as Susan Jeffers says we should "feel the fear and do it anyway", because as soon as we do we will find that the fear dissipates and we are left with a very wholesome feeling of pride for making even a tiny incremental step towards what we actually want, the boundary of the FEAR has moved and we have increased our comfort zone, not in just one direction either, everything else shifts along with it and hence we have an increase in the entire circle of comfort and this we will see manifested in all areas of our lives NOT just the area we have been focusing on - Cool hey:0) Bite-size NLP: Think of the image that you are so afraid of.
Close your eyes and feel the emotion for real, the chances are you will be experiencing the image through your own eyes, you are associated to it! A tiny change in perspective will dramatically change the way you feel about the event, rather than watching through your own eyes, try looking at the image on a movie screen, third eye perspective, so you are the "observer" immediately you will feel very different.
If the image has an animal or a person that is the cause of FEAR, then experiment with the sounds, make the voice or the animal noise high pitched, low pitched, speed it up, slow it down, lower the volume, then play some silly music over the top, to drown out the silly voice or animal noise, see you feel better already, the image if you are afraid is probably very close to your face, send it away a long way away and take all of the colour out and make it fuzzy! See hey presto, there is no FEAR really and all you have done is replay the image.
On a positive note you can do exactly the same if embarking on an interview or a training course or an important event, the outcome could be viewed to get EXACTLY the result that you want, rather than what you don't want! Oh you must see that through your own eyes, not the third eye observer.