What Are the Benefits of Steam Rooms & Saunas?
- While both steam rooms and saunas have high temperatures, the sauna, because of low humidity allowance, can be set to far higher temperatures than the steam room. Dry saunas often exceed temperatures of 70 degrees C. This causes the heart rate to rise significantly and causes the body to sweat at levels that ensures aggressive excretion of toxins in the body. It is common in Scandinavian countries to detoxify the body and make it more "alert" by following the sauna experience with a quick dip in cold water, such as a lake or a cold shower.
- The Turks are definitely advocates of the steam bath versus the dry sauna, claiming they'd rather "steam" than "bake."
People with respiratory ailments often prefer the benefits of the steam room to those of the sauna. While the temperatures are lower than in the sauna, the air of the steam room provides so much moisture that it helps to loosen the chest muscles and mucous of those with respiratory conditions, such as asthma and bronchitis. By contrast, the dry heat of the sauna can be less comfortable for the membranes of the nose and lungs. - If the goal is weight loss, dry saunas are more effective than steam baths. Often, steam rooms only feel hotter because the sweat does not evaporate, but, in fact, the higher temperatures of the dry saunas kick the metabolic levels into high-gear, and therefore expedite not only the body's detoxification, but weight loss as well.
- Steam rooms, given the high humidity levels in the air, guarantee that the skin stays hydrated and supple. Moisture beads coat the skin and prevent the body from losing heat through evaporation. Just as the other organs of the body experience detoxification, so, too, does the skin, resulting in skin that feels rejuvenated, deeply cleansed and plentifully hydrated.
- Steam rooms, while providing health and relaxation benefits, also create atmospheres with the ideal moisture and temperature for germs and bacteria to manifest. Be cautious that the steam room or steam bath you use is cleaned and disinfected.
Detoxify the Body in the Sauna
Alleviate Respiratory Ailments in the Steam Room
Lose the Excess Baggage
Rejuvenate and Hydrate the Skin
Helpful Hint: Beware of the Downside