Astral Travel With Binaural Beats
Have you ever wanted to take complete control over what happens in your dreams? With binaural beats for lucid dreaming you can do just that! Lucid dreaming is the ability to be consciously aware that you are dreaming.
it is said that when one is aware of the dream state.
That they have the ability to dictate, and even control the situations and outcome of the dream.
There are multiple documented cases and ways to engage in the act of lucid dreaming.
But it is commonly accepted that binaural beats for lucid dreaming are the most efficient solution.
When using binaural beats brain wave audio along with the methods listed below, your results will be larger, easier to accomplish, and will happen faster than a lot of other methods you might read about.
Some tricks to engage lucid dreaming.
Before you can start a lucid dream, you first must understand that you are actually dreaming.
These are two of the most common strategies to begin: While you are dreaming, look for a person, place, or thing that doesn't look right.
Look for things that are out of place.
These are the biggest indicators that you are in a dream.
The second thing is to look for is major rifts between reality and your dream.
For example, if I am a buff manly man in real life, but in my dream I'm thin and vamperish - this a huge indicator.
The goal is to reflect that you are in a dream.
This will take practice, but with binaural beats for lucid dreaming you can greatly increase your chances of getting in a mental state in which you are more alert to the fact that you are dreaming.
Hands down the best way to realize that you are dreaming is by focusing on repeated actions.
Here is an example of using repeated actions for dream realization.
Binaural beats for lucid dreaming realization: Pick an object that you encounter everyday.
For example a pair of glasses.
Every morning as you wake up look at your glasses.
Really take the time to examine the elaborate details like color, thickness, and craftmanship.
Focus on glasses all day.
With everyone you encounter that has glasses, really focus on them (without being a creeper).
Really engrain in your brain what make a pair of glasses real.
Close your eyes and focus and them.
Think about all the types of glasses that you have seen.
The more you focus on the glasses, the more you will think about them, the more likely you are to dream about them.
In no time at all you will be dreaming about glasses.
When your dreaming and encounter a pair of glasses that make you feel confused or out of place.
Bingo, you are now aware that you are dreaming, because the glasses that you encounter are nothing like what you've you trained yourself to see.
This is how you know you are dreaming.
This is one of the best tried and true methods for dream realization.
Dream will rarely portray reality.
So when you train your self to see that things are not normal.
You will be on the road to lucid dreaming.
So whats next when it comes to binaural beats for lucid dreaming? Once you get the focus down.
you need to in fact move forward and take control of the dream, otherwise you will just slip back into regular dreaming.
Here's what you do next.
Everyday as you focus on the object of your choice, for example - glasses.
you need to pinch yourself.
Every time you see a pair of glasses you want to pinch yourself.
Do this for a few days until you dream of glasses.
By doing this, your training your brain to associate seeing glasses with pinching your arm.
This is called premeditation.
Which means your premeditating what action will come next in your dreams.
It's easier to premeditate actions you want to happen before you ever start to dream.
It is important to know what your goals are before you dream.
When you know your goal, you will be able to remind yourself while you're dreaming.
it is said that when one is aware of the dream state.
That they have the ability to dictate, and even control the situations and outcome of the dream.
There are multiple documented cases and ways to engage in the act of lucid dreaming.
But it is commonly accepted that binaural beats for lucid dreaming are the most efficient solution.
When using binaural beats brain wave audio along with the methods listed below, your results will be larger, easier to accomplish, and will happen faster than a lot of other methods you might read about.
Some tricks to engage lucid dreaming.
Before you can start a lucid dream, you first must understand that you are actually dreaming.
These are two of the most common strategies to begin: While you are dreaming, look for a person, place, or thing that doesn't look right.
Look for things that are out of place.
These are the biggest indicators that you are in a dream.
The second thing is to look for is major rifts between reality and your dream.
For example, if I am a buff manly man in real life, but in my dream I'm thin and vamperish - this a huge indicator.
The goal is to reflect that you are in a dream.
This will take practice, but with binaural beats for lucid dreaming you can greatly increase your chances of getting in a mental state in which you are more alert to the fact that you are dreaming.
Hands down the best way to realize that you are dreaming is by focusing on repeated actions.
Here is an example of using repeated actions for dream realization.
Binaural beats for lucid dreaming realization: Pick an object that you encounter everyday.
For example a pair of glasses.
Every morning as you wake up look at your glasses.
Really take the time to examine the elaborate details like color, thickness, and craftmanship.
Focus on glasses all day.
With everyone you encounter that has glasses, really focus on them (without being a creeper).
Really engrain in your brain what make a pair of glasses real.
Close your eyes and focus and them.
Think about all the types of glasses that you have seen.
The more you focus on the glasses, the more you will think about them, the more likely you are to dream about them.
In no time at all you will be dreaming about glasses.
When your dreaming and encounter a pair of glasses that make you feel confused or out of place.
Bingo, you are now aware that you are dreaming, because the glasses that you encounter are nothing like what you've you trained yourself to see.
This is how you know you are dreaming.
This is one of the best tried and true methods for dream realization.
Dream will rarely portray reality.
So when you train your self to see that things are not normal.
You will be on the road to lucid dreaming.
So whats next when it comes to binaural beats for lucid dreaming? Once you get the focus down.
you need to in fact move forward and take control of the dream, otherwise you will just slip back into regular dreaming.
Here's what you do next.
Everyday as you focus on the object of your choice, for example - glasses.
you need to pinch yourself.
Every time you see a pair of glasses you want to pinch yourself.
Do this for a few days until you dream of glasses.
By doing this, your training your brain to associate seeing glasses with pinching your arm.
This is called premeditation.
Which means your premeditating what action will come next in your dreams.
It's easier to premeditate actions you want to happen before you ever start to dream.
It is important to know what your goals are before you dream.
When you know your goal, you will be able to remind yourself while you're dreaming.