Ways to Tie Shoelaces
- The double loop bow is a great way for beginners to learn how to tie shoes. It is easy and can be remembered by using the term "bunny ears" for children. For this bow, you begin with a basic knot, and then create two bows with the laces. The bows then cross, and one bow is put under the hole made by the crossed bows and pulled tight. This bow is easy to remember but isn't as secure as other bows, so it shouldn't be used for performance, like running.
- The basic bow is perfect for those who are a little more advanced in their shoelace tying, and looking for an easy, utilitarian, secure bow to use for everyday. This knot is tied by starting with a basic knot, and then creating one bow. Then, the other shoelace is wrapped around the loop and doubled up as it is pulled through the hole created by the crossed shoelaces and pulled tight. Use this technique for everyday activities, like going to school, working in the yard or going for a walk.
- This bow is the best for athletes who need to be sure that their shoelaces stay tied until they untie them themselves. It begins with either knot, the double or the basic. When the bow has been tied, you then take both loops, cross them like a double bow and pull through again, so you've basically tied your shoes twice. Pull it tight for the most secure knot. This results in a very secure bow that won't come undone, even in the most strenuous of activities. Choose this knot anytime you need to make sure your shoes stay tied, no matter what.
Double Loop Bow
Basic Bow
Secure Bow