How to Reduce Puffiness Under Eyes
- 1). Ice
Take an ice cube and gently rub it against the swollen area. Try wrapping the ice cube in a paper towel or place it in a zip lock bag to avoid your fingers getting too cold. Also Consider purchasing a freezable ice mask. Such a mask fits around your upper face and is specially designed to reduce swelling around the eyes. - 2). Topical Cream
Head down to the store and pick up a cream formulated to reduce puffiness around the eyes. One cream that works great for this is Hemmroidal cream. Such creams are designed to reduce swelling and inflammation. Upon purchasing such a cream, simply rub a thin layer around your eyes, repeat 2 - 3 times daily until the swelling goes down. - 3). Cucumber Slices
Thinly slice a few pieces of cucumber, lay back, and place them over your eyes. The juice within a cucumber works miracles in reducing puffy eyes. Cucumber slices are also helpful in reducing dark circles and other skin conditions. - 4). Hydrate Yourself
Remember to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day. Eye puffiness and countless other conditions can often be the result of dehydration. If the flavor of water bores you, consider sprucing it up with a twist of lemon or lime. - 5). Prevention
Prevent getting puffy eyes by getting plenty of sleep at night. Eye puffiness can often be the result of sleep deprivation. It is recommended that you get 7-8 hours of sleep at night. Lack of sleep and over sleeping can both be culprits of eye puffiness.