How to Fish With an 8-Weight Rod
- 1). Use a fast-action 8-weight to fish large flies. Maintain a fast casting motion between the two and 10 o'clock positions to propel the wind-resistant flies. Rod speed determines the amount of power in each cast.
- 2). Pause on the back-cast until you feel the rod load. The weight of the line and fly places tension on the rod as it loads. Begin the forward cast after the tension peaks. Beginning the forward cast before the rod loads causes the cast to collapse.
- 3). Use a single- and double-haul casting technique to increase line speed and create power for distance casting. Hold the line above the reel with your free hand. Make a hard pull on the line as you begin the back-cast. Make a second hard pull as you begin the forward cast and the line will travel on a fast course.
- 4). Apply pressure to fighting butt for extra power on tough fish. Place the fighting butt on your stomach or hipbone and apply pressure to increase the rod flex and raise the head of the fish. Controlling the head is the key to landing big fish.
- 5). Fish the 8-weight with a short leader for maximum casting efficiency. Long leaders are difficult with large, wind-resistant flies. Use a four or five leader to minimize tangles and improve the overall speed and power of each cast.