How to Learn Adobe Acrobat 6
- 1). Go the Amazon website and pick up the book "Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Standard Classroom in a Book." The cost for a new book is approximately $40.00.
- 2). Go to Google Books and read the preview of the book Adobe Acrobat 6 PDF For Dummies. Scroll down to learn about distilling PDF Files, converting Microsoft Office Documents and securing PDF Files. Click the link "All Sellers" to buy the book.
- 3). Read the Adobe Acrobat 6 PDF tutorial at the Cornell Information Technologies website. Click on the link "Creating PDFs in Adobe Acrobat" to learn how to create a PDF from a paper document or a web page, edit a PDF file and design accessible PDFs. The free tutorial is subtitled "Hands-on Workshop," so it's a good idea to purchase Adobe Acrobat 6 first to follow along.
- 4). View the Adobe Acrobat 6 PDF tutorial at the Georgia State University website. Read about how to create PDFs from multiple files, create PDFs from Microsoft Office files and edit text in a PDF
file. The tutorial is free. - 5). Get a tutorial training CD from the Apex Web Media website for $99.95. You'll gain a free certificate with a unique certification serial number to prove to employers that you've taken the course.