How to Paint Over Acrylic
- 1). Wash the acrylic surface with soap using a sponge. Rinse the acrylic and let it air dry for at least two hours.
- 2). Abrade the entire acrylic surface using 120-grit sandpaper. Scour every inch of the surface until it feels relatively coarse to your palms.
- 3). Firmly affix painter's tape to surfaces next to the acrylic item. Cover lower surfaces with canvas drop cloths.
- 4). Coat the acrylic item with latex primer using a paintbrush equipped with soft polyester bristles that won't leave stroke marks in the finish. Apply gentle pressure with each stroke. Let the primed acrylic surface dry for two hours.
- 5). Wash the brush out with plain water.
- 6). Paint the acrylic surface with a latex paint using the same method and brush used in the priming process.