How to Change an Organization Structure in Music
- 1). Find the key the song is in. Look at the first and last notes of the song. Most songs begin and end on the same note. This gives a feeling of completion to the song. Note the accidentals (sharps and flats) in that key.
- 2). Rewrite the entire song in a different key or switch from a major key to a minor one even in the middle of a song by finding the minor with the same key signature. Count three half steps down on the scale from the starting note of the song. If the song begins and ends on C, the minor will be A. Use this method to switch between a happy sound and a melancholy tone. The best place to change a key (if not changing the key for the entire composition) is when the pattern changes, i.e., A goes into B.
- 3). Sit down with your instrument, staff paper and a pencil and eraser, and play around with keys and chords until you have a flowing, consecutive sound, then notate the changes either on the original sheet music or rewrite it on the staff paper at the beginning of each bar, including key signatures such as sharps or flats.
- 4). Look at the rhythm. Speed up the tempo by increasing beats per minute or cutting the the time signature in half. If the song has a 4/4 rhythm, convert it to 2/4 by cutting all note values in half. A quarter note will turn into an eighth note, a whole note to a half note, etc. Slow down the tempo by reversing the process.
- 5). Cut the time signature in half when working with 3/4 or 6/8 time to slow down the tempo. A quarter note will become a half note, etc. Change the beats per minute or turn 3/4 into 6/8 by cutting note values in half to speed up the tempo.
- 6). Note any rhythmic change on your staff paper at the beginning of each line, before the key signature.
- 7). Find the pattern of the song. The most common pattern in classic and popular music will use a formula of ABAB or ABCAB. The letter A represents the verse, B the chorus and C the bridge or other variant.
- 8). Rearrange the pattern. If the existing structure is ABA, try an AABA structure or ABACB. Almost any organization you like will work if it sounds good to the ear. In modern music you don't really even need a B.
- 9). Play the new pattern, along with key and rhythmic changes. If you like the new structure, write it out on staff paper.
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Using MIDI software, write the song out in your preferred method and save it.