How to Fight a Speeding Ticket in Ontario
- 1). Show up in court to formally challenge the ticket. Call the Ontario Court of Justice offices to get the facts on court procedures. Ask if you can simply show up in court to pay a reduced fine without going to trial and presenting any evidence.
- 2). Be polite to the judge, and tell your story in a straightforward manner. Always remember that the goal is to prove reasonable doubt. If you can make the judge doubt the veracity of the Crown's claims, you can win. Avoid theatrics and emotional gestures. Do not speak unless spoken to, and do not insult the officer's intelligence if he shows up in court.
- 3). Check for any incorrect or incomplete facts the officer may have written on your ticket. Referencing the date and time on your ticket, search for traffic and weather reports in the area that correspond to that period of time. If you were pulled over during rush hour and weren't trying to pass another car, you could argue that you were simply obeying the speed limit and that highway conditions at that time would have made it impossible to speed, even if you wanted to.
- 4). Look professional when you show up in court. Dress according to your company's code if you work at an office. A dirty T-shirt, ripped jeans and flip-flops will likely offend the judge, and you just might get your arguments thrown out, even if they have merit.
- 5). Consider hiring a company to help with your defense. Many groups and legal services in Ontario will work with you to fight your traffic ticket. However, the fees they charge can be high. You'll need to consider if it is worth paying a company $400 to fight a $200 ticket. Among the items to consider are how much your insurance rates could go up, as well as how many points you have against you already and if you are in danger of losing your license to drive.