Dealing With Traffic Stops and Law Enforcement Officers While Carrying A Concealed Firearm
When being stopped by law enforcement for a traffic stop and you are carrying a firearm, it's always wise to stand in the officers shoes and view the situation from the officers perspective.
The following steps on how to deal with law enforcement during a traffic stop isn't in the Florida 790 statutes, in fact the statute is pretty fuzzy on how an individual is expected to interact with law enforcement.
Here's where we're going to apply a little common sense to make our lives easier.
When we see the flashing lights and hear the siren of a police car signaling us to pull over...
We should pull over as much as possible to the right of the roadway, giving the officer the courtesy of maintaining his/her personal safety.
The officer getting out of his vehicle stands the possibility of being injured by passing vehicles, allow the officer as much space as possible, he will appreciate the fact you considered his personal safety.
Roll down all your windows, especially if they are tinted.
If being stopped at night, turn on your interior light.
This will allow the officer to clearly see in your vehicle.
By doing this, you're in essence demonstrating to the officer that you're being polite, are ready to deal with him and have nothing to hide in your vehicle.
Turn off your vehicle and leave the keys on the dashboard.
This will demonstrate to the officer you are not planning to flee the traffic stop.
Place your hands on the steering wheel at the 10 O'clock and 2 O'clock positions.
This is a natural relaxed position that will demonstrate to the officer you're not going to try to reach for something that may injure or kill him.
When the officer walks up to your window, "if you have a concealed weapons permit", maintain both hands on the steering wheel and immediately inform the officer that you indeed have a concealed weapons permit and where your firearm is located on your person.
When the officer asks to see your, drivers license, insurance, registration and concealed weapons permit, have all the documents in one location, within easy reach and ready to hand the officer.
The officer may ask to inspect your firearm, he has every right to do so.
Do not attempt to handle or reach for your firearm.
Maintain both hands on the steering wheel and ask the officer how he/she would like to proceed and follow all orders.
Implementing the aforementioned 7 steps when being pulled over while carrying a firearm will calm the officers fear of the individual he just pulled over being a possible threat to his life.
This is something rarely discussed as part of a concealed weapons permit class but it's an important topic never the less.
I hope this article enlightens everyone on how to better deal with traffic stops while carrying a concealed firearm.
The following steps on how to deal with law enforcement during a traffic stop isn't in the Florida 790 statutes, in fact the statute is pretty fuzzy on how an individual is expected to interact with law enforcement.
Here's where we're going to apply a little common sense to make our lives easier.
When we see the flashing lights and hear the siren of a police car signaling us to pull over...
We should pull over as much as possible to the right of the roadway, giving the officer the courtesy of maintaining his/her personal safety.
The officer getting out of his vehicle stands the possibility of being injured by passing vehicles, allow the officer as much space as possible, he will appreciate the fact you considered his personal safety.
Roll down all your windows, especially if they are tinted.
If being stopped at night, turn on your interior light.
This will allow the officer to clearly see in your vehicle.
By doing this, you're in essence demonstrating to the officer that you're being polite, are ready to deal with him and have nothing to hide in your vehicle.
Turn off your vehicle and leave the keys on the dashboard.
This will demonstrate to the officer you are not planning to flee the traffic stop.
Place your hands on the steering wheel at the 10 O'clock and 2 O'clock positions.
This is a natural relaxed position that will demonstrate to the officer you're not going to try to reach for something that may injure or kill him.
When the officer walks up to your window, "if you have a concealed weapons permit", maintain both hands on the steering wheel and immediately inform the officer that you indeed have a concealed weapons permit and where your firearm is located on your person.
When the officer asks to see your, drivers license, insurance, registration and concealed weapons permit, have all the documents in one location, within easy reach and ready to hand the officer.
The officer may ask to inspect your firearm, he has every right to do so.
Do not attempt to handle or reach for your firearm.
Maintain both hands on the steering wheel and ask the officer how he/she would like to proceed and follow all orders.
Implementing the aforementioned 7 steps when being pulled over while carrying a firearm will calm the officers fear of the individual he just pulled over being a possible threat to his life.
This is something rarely discussed as part of a concealed weapons permit class but it's an important topic never the less.
I hope this article enlightens everyone on how to better deal with traffic stops while carrying a concealed firearm.