March Birthstones: Aquamarine And Bloodstone
Picture the clear light blue waters of the Mediterranean or the Caribbean, and youll see the gorgeous shades of Aquamarine, the traditional birthstone for March.
This pale blue stone is a form of beryl, in the same mineral family as the emerald. Varying from sky blue to green hues, the deepest colors have the highest value.
The name derives from the Latin Aqua which means water, and Mare meaning sea the perfect description of the seawater hues of this very versatile gem stone.
Aquamarine has several associations with water. Ancient Romans believed that aquamarine was sacred to Neptune, the God of the sea. Sailors wore talismans made of aquamarine, carved into the likeness of Neptune, as protection against the dangers of the sea. In ancient times, water in which aquamarine was immersed was believed to heal illness of the heart, liver, mouth, throat and stomach. And of course March birthdays encompass the Zodiac sign of Piscses, the fish.
The beryl family that includes aquamarine is a very hard mineral, and was used in ancient times to correct vision. Beryl is used to this day in the manufacture of eyeglasses.
The hardness of the gem makes it very durable for use in jewelry. Varying in color from blue-green (caused by traces of iron in the stone) to pale light sky blue, aquamarine jewelry looks gorgeous whether in gold or silver settings. Emerald cut aquamarine stones are often cut with more facets than emeralds to bring out their brilliance.
A relatively abundant gem, aquamarine is found in Brazil, China, India, Australia, Africa and the United States. The majority of aquamarine stones are flawless, unlike many other gem stones.
Be sure to deal with a reputable jeweler when buying aquamarine jewelry. Stones sold as Brazilian Aquamarine may be blue topaz. Siam Aquamarine is likely blue zircon that has been heat treated to intensify color.
As with any fine jewelry, treat your aquamarine pieces with care. Keep them clean, and store them carefully.
The alternate birthstone for March is the bloodstone, also called heliotrope. Its a dark green opaque quartz, flecked with orange or red spots. Its also called martyrs stone, due to the legend that the red spots on the stone came from the blood of Christ that spilled onto green jasper stone during the crucifixion. In ancient times bloodstone was used as a cure for bleeding by placing the stone over the affected area. Bloodstone is found in India, Brazil, Australia, Uruguay and the United States. Its often carved into cameos and beads. Its inexpensive, with retail prices per stone from $5 to $50.
This pale blue stone is a form of beryl, in the same mineral family as the emerald. Varying from sky blue to green hues, the deepest colors have the highest value.
The name derives from the Latin Aqua which means water, and Mare meaning sea the perfect description of the seawater hues of this very versatile gem stone.
Aquamarine has several associations with water. Ancient Romans believed that aquamarine was sacred to Neptune, the God of the sea. Sailors wore talismans made of aquamarine, carved into the likeness of Neptune, as protection against the dangers of the sea. In ancient times, water in which aquamarine was immersed was believed to heal illness of the heart, liver, mouth, throat and stomach. And of course March birthdays encompass the Zodiac sign of Piscses, the fish.
The beryl family that includes aquamarine is a very hard mineral, and was used in ancient times to correct vision. Beryl is used to this day in the manufacture of eyeglasses.
The hardness of the gem makes it very durable for use in jewelry. Varying in color from blue-green (caused by traces of iron in the stone) to pale light sky blue, aquamarine jewelry looks gorgeous whether in gold or silver settings. Emerald cut aquamarine stones are often cut with more facets than emeralds to bring out their brilliance.
A relatively abundant gem, aquamarine is found in Brazil, China, India, Australia, Africa and the United States. The majority of aquamarine stones are flawless, unlike many other gem stones.
Be sure to deal with a reputable jeweler when buying aquamarine jewelry. Stones sold as Brazilian Aquamarine may be blue topaz. Siam Aquamarine is likely blue zircon that has been heat treated to intensify color.
As with any fine jewelry, treat your aquamarine pieces with care. Keep them clean, and store them carefully.
The alternate birthstone for March is the bloodstone, also called heliotrope. Its a dark green opaque quartz, flecked with orange or red spots. Its also called martyrs stone, due to the legend that the red spots on the stone came from the blood of Christ that spilled onto green jasper stone during the crucifixion. In ancient times bloodstone was used as a cure for bleeding by placing the stone over the affected area. Bloodstone is found in India, Brazil, Australia, Uruguay and the United States. Its often carved into cameos and beads. Its inexpensive, with retail prices per stone from $5 to $50.