Social Networking Dos and Don"ts - Don"t Make Me Hurt You
I would like to share with you some ideas which might help you to capitalize on your social networking sites without embarrassing yourself.
I mean sure, we all at one time or another will have things we will post that are business related; but as with all social situations, there is a time and a place.
When you first meet someone you don't then proceed to try and kiss them passionately on the lips.
It's just so wrong on so many levels.
It's completely rude and disgusting.
Goes against all social etiquette.
Unfortunately there is something many people are doing on their various social websites, that is just as offensive.
(okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a little, but get the point) We've all been in that circumstance where you meet someone who seems like they'd be a really cool friend / colleague and you immediately "friend" them.
Though the excitement of making a new connection is instantly ruined when your new friend, without any warning begins to throw up his or her latest business opportunity in your face.
You know the type.
"Hi, thanks for friending me.
It looks like you're also into network marketing.
Did you know that right now I am a part of the most perfect company of all time.
It's a pre-launch, but it's by far better than your crappy looser company.
Sit back as I ramble on a bunch of stuff you have no desire to hear.
" Ugh!!! Seriously?? Are you kidding? They know absolutely nothing about me, what I do, how I'm doing, and they're just going on and on about some (usually lame) opportunity that I need to check out.
Please cut it out.
I'm just not that into you.
Nobody is.
I'm sorry, was that harsh? I feel it had to be said.
Thank you for letting me get that off my chest.
Social Networking Sites are a great place to meet people, and broaden your network.
A vehicle to let people know more about you on a personal level by sharing photos, videos, favorite links, music, books, movies, etc.
MySpace 2.
Facebook 3.
LindedIn 4.
Direct Matches 5.
Ryze Social Bookmarking Sites are a great way to share your favorite interesting bookmarks online with a very limitless worldwide community.
Digg 2.
Technorati 3.
us 4.
Reddit 5.
StumbleUpon Content Sharing sites encourage user generated content.
A place to post articles, blog post etc.
with a great community.
No massive web skills are required to generate content on these sites.
Wikipedia 2.
Squidoo 3.
HubPages 4.
Gather 5.
EzineArticles Media Sharing Sites 1.
YouTube - for sharing videos 2.
Flickr - for sharing photos 3.
SlideShare - for sharing slide presentations 4.
JamGlue - for sharing self created music Blogging - Now days a blog is a "must have" for any top producing network marketer.
More on this topic at a later date.
WordPress 2.
Blogger 3.
Movable Type There are Social Marketing rules one must obey in order to avoid getting banned or thrown out of a group.
Social Marketing websites are community based.
It is very important to take part in the discussions, without ever blatantly hitting people over the head with your business opportunity.
This should definitely never be done on a one on one basis.
Think of it like this: if you walked into a party where you knew no one, and saw that everyone was laughing and having a great time, you wouldn't suddenly stand up on a table and start screaming about your business opportunity at the top of your voice.
People would think you were out of your mind.
It's not the kind of first impression that's going to make people come running to you.
Same rules of courtesy apply in a social networking site.
Participate (without pitching) by adding value to the community.
Be honest.
Share ideas and concepts, and over time, build lasting relationships.
Two wonderful things about Social Media sites: 1.
The more valuable content you contribute, the better your search engine placement.
They provide quality links to your website, which in turn increases your website rankings.
And as a bonus you're also meeting some amazing new friends and contacts.
Social Networking sites can be an enormous tool for generating an endless supply of quality leads, as long as you don't screw it up.
Remember, you're trying to position yourself as a leader.
Someone that has a great deal of VALUE to share with the group.
Well that's my two cents.
I wish you all great success.
I mean sure, we all at one time or another will have things we will post that are business related; but as with all social situations, there is a time and a place.
When you first meet someone you don't then proceed to try and kiss them passionately on the lips.
It's just so wrong on so many levels.
It's completely rude and disgusting.
Goes against all social etiquette.
Unfortunately there is something many people are doing on their various social websites, that is just as offensive.
(okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a little, but get the point) We've all been in that circumstance where you meet someone who seems like they'd be a really cool friend / colleague and you immediately "friend" them.
Though the excitement of making a new connection is instantly ruined when your new friend, without any warning begins to throw up his or her latest business opportunity in your face.
You know the type.
"Hi, thanks for friending me.
It looks like you're also into network marketing.
Did you know that right now I am a part of the most perfect company of all time.
It's a pre-launch, but it's by far better than your crappy looser company.
Sit back as I ramble on a bunch of stuff you have no desire to hear.
" Ugh!!! Seriously?? Are you kidding? They know absolutely nothing about me, what I do, how I'm doing, and they're just going on and on about some (usually lame) opportunity that I need to check out.
Please cut it out.
I'm just not that into you.
Nobody is.
I'm sorry, was that harsh? I feel it had to be said.
Thank you for letting me get that off my chest.
Social Networking Sites are a great place to meet people, and broaden your network.
A vehicle to let people know more about you on a personal level by sharing photos, videos, favorite links, music, books, movies, etc.
MySpace 2.
Facebook 3.
LindedIn 4.
Direct Matches 5.
Ryze Social Bookmarking Sites are a great way to share your favorite interesting bookmarks online with a very limitless worldwide community.
Digg 2.
Technorati 3.
us 4.
Reddit 5.
StumbleUpon Content Sharing sites encourage user generated content.
A place to post articles, blog post etc.
with a great community.
No massive web skills are required to generate content on these sites.
Wikipedia 2.
Squidoo 3.
HubPages 4.
Gather 5.
EzineArticles Media Sharing Sites 1.
YouTube - for sharing videos 2.
Flickr - for sharing photos 3.
SlideShare - for sharing slide presentations 4.
JamGlue - for sharing self created music Blogging - Now days a blog is a "must have" for any top producing network marketer.
More on this topic at a later date.
WordPress 2.
Blogger 3.
Movable Type There are Social Marketing rules one must obey in order to avoid getting banned or thrown out of a group.
Social Marketing websites are community based.
It is very important to take part in the discussions, without ever blatantly hitting people over the head with your business opportunity.
This should definitely never be done on a one on one basis.
Think of it like this: if you walked into a party where you knew no one, and saw that everyone was laughing and having a great time, you wouldn't suddenly stand up on a table and start screaming about your business opportunity at the top of your voice.
People would think you were out of your mind.
It's not the kind of first impression that's going to make people come running to you.
Same rules of courtesy apply in a social networking site.
Participate (without pitching) by adding value to the community.
Be honest.
Share ideas and concepts, and over time, build lasting relationships.
Two wonderful things about Social Media sites: 1.
The more valuable content you contribute, the better your search engine placement.
They provide quality links to your website, which in turn increases your website rankings.
And as a bonus you're also meeting some amazing new friends and contacts.
Social Networking sites can be an enormous tool for generating an endless supply of quality leads, as long as you don't screw it up.
Remember, you're trying to position yourself as a leader.
Someone that has a great deal of VALUE to share with the group.
Well that's my two cents.
I wish you all great success.