1040 Tax Form Instructions
- The quickest way to receive this information is by visiting the IRS website and doing a search. If you do not have access to a computer, then visit the local IRS office in your area. Also, libraries and some post offices carry tax forms during tax season.
- You have successfully gotten a copy of the newest 1040 form and the instructions. Time to find out how much income you made last year. The most common way to report income is from a W-2, which is sent to you from your employer no later than January 31 of each year. If you have a bank account that earns interest, then you will receive a 1099-INT, and this is also income. Did you receive unemployment, lottery winnings or perhaps you attended a focus group? You guessed it--all income. This is not meant to be an all-inclusive list of income sources, but rather the most common.
- You can use deductions to decrease the amount of taxes that you will be required to pay by April 15. They also can help you get back part or all of what you paid in throughout the year. The most common deductions are mortgage interest, real estate property taxes, self-employment tax, child care, medical insurance, medical co-pays, medical mileage and unreimbursed employee expenses, which can include uniforms and uniform cleaning. Be careful, though: uniforms are only deductible if it's something that you are required to wear and something that cannot be worn as a part of your normal wardrobe.
- Does the federal government consider you single, married, widowed or head of household? Here is an easy way to determine. Do you have a marriage license that is on file at your local city or county agency? Then, you are considered married. Are you single and do you have a dependent? Then, you are considered head of household. If you have lost your spouse within the past two years, you can file as a qualified widower. This does have advantages over using the filing status of single.
- Besides needing all of your income and deductions handy, you will need personal information for each member of your household that you plan on listing on your tax return. This information includes full names as they appear on social security cards, date of birth and social security numbers.
Where to locate a 1040?
Common Income Documents
Common Deductions
Filing Status
Other Helpful Information