Four Reasons Why You Should Learn Music Theory
Most amateur musicians tend to think that learning music theory is a waste of time, and that the only thing you need to become a good musician is a strong technique and plenty of practice.
This couldn't be further from the truth.
In reality, learning theory can give you a huge boost when it comes to honing your musical talents.
Here are a few reasons why you should invest some time to learn music theory: 1.
You will be able to read sheet music.
The popular tabs for guitar can only teach you where to find the notes, not tell you how long to play them.
If you can read sheet music, you can figure out a song in any key in almost any instrument at a moment's notice.
Sheet music is literally, the language of music.
You can transpose songs to the right key.
If you think a particular song is in either too high or low a key, you can easily transpose it to a key you are more comfortable in if you know the theory of music.
You can modulate songs to a new key instantly.
It takes a lot of skill to shift the key of a song at a moment's notice, and the effects are almost always spectacular.
If you know music theory, you will find it a whole lot easier to pull off this trick.
You will be able to improvise better.
If you understand how keys and notes relate to each other, it will make it a whole lot easier to improvise a jam right off the bat without much preplanning, practice, or effort.
A lot of musicians fear that learning music theory will make them sound 'mechanical' or 'academic'.
This is an incorrect belief borne out of ignorance.
Learning theory will only help improve your skills as a musician.
You, of course, don't have to spend years learning it or become a scholar at it; just knowing the basics will greatly benefit your musical knowledge.
This couldn't be further from the truth.
In reality, learning theory can give you a huge boost when it comes to honing your musical talents.
Here are a few reasons why you should invest some time to learn music theory: 1.
You will be able to read sheet music.
The popular tabs for guitar can only teach you where to find the notes, not tell you how long to play them.
If you can read sheet music, you can figure out a song in any key in almost any instrument at a moment's notice.
Sheet music is literally, the language of music.
You can transpose songs to the right key.
If you think a particular song is in either too high or low a key, you can easily transpose it to a key you are more comfortable in if you know the theory of music.
You can modulate songs to a new key instantly.
It takes a lot of skill to shift the key of a song at a moment's notice, and the effects are almost always spectacular.
If you know music theory, you will find it a whole lot easier to pull off this trick.
You will be able to improvise better.
If you understand how keys and notes relate to each other, it will make it a whole lot easier to improvise a jam right off the bat without much preplanning, practice, or effort.
A lot of musicians fear that learning music theory will make them sound 'mechanical' or 'academic'.
This is an incorrect belief borne out of ignorance.
Learning theory will only help improve your skills as a musician.
You, of course, don't have to spend years learning it or become a scholar at it; just knowing the basics will greatly benefit your musical knowledge.