Burn Fat, Tighten Up Your Belly & Strengthen Your Core Without Crunches Or Sit-Ups
How long have you been doing crunches or sit-ups trying to get that 6 pack? Tired of the same old ab routine, workout to workout? Well, I'm going to give you a training session that not only helps develop that 6 pack but also targets every muscle group in your body and melts away fat! On top of that you do not have to spend hours & hours in the gym! This is one of my favorite workouts: Sand Bag Complex 1.
) Clean & press 2.
) Bear hug & squat 3.
) Bent over rows 4.
) High pull/catch & squat combo If you noticed there are no sit-ups or crunches in this workout.
The best way to burn fat, tighten up your belly and strengthen your core is through TOTAL body exercises(not individual body parts)! Complete 6-8 repetitions of each exercise without rest.
After completing all 4 sand bag exercises, rest for 30-60 seconds.
Perform whole sequence again.
Repeat the entire circuit 5 times.
Sand bag clean & press: grab the bag by the handles, from the floor.
Pull up to and catch bag at shoulder level.
Perform overhead press using your whole body.
Bring the bag back down to shoulder level, then to the floor(in a controlled manner).
Repeat 6-8x.
Next exercise you want to bear hug the bag and perform a squat.
Keep your back straight, feet a little wider than shoulder width apart.
Push your hips back with your, with your weight on your heels.
Repeat 6-8x.
Bent over rows: grab underneath the bag (at the ends).
Again, feet a little wider than shoulder width.
Hinge forward at your waste, with knees slightly bent.
Do NOT round out your back.
Your chest should be almost parallel to the floor.
Pull the bag to your chest and pinch your shoulder blades together.
Repeat 6-8x.
Last exercise is the High pull/catch & squat combo.
Grab the bag from the floor and perform a high pull (upright row).
Release and catch the bag at shoulder level (Zercher position).
Perform a squat.
Drop the bag and repeat 6-8x.
This will give you one heck of an ab workout without even doing any typical ab exercises.
Not to mention, hitting every muscle in the body and a heart pumping cardio workout as well! I'm not just talking to the guys here.
Ladies this is an excellent way for you to strip away the fat and get that flat tummy you've been looking for! Do this 3 times per week and you'll see the fat just melt away! Plus you'll be well on your way to that 6 pack.
Try it out and you will see what I mean!
) Clean & press 2.
) Bear hug & squat 3.
) Bent over rows 4.
) High pull/catch & squat combo If you noticed there are no sit-ups or crunches in this workout.
The best way to burn fat, tighten up your belly and strengthen your core is through TOTAL body exercises(not individual body parts)! Complete 6-8 repetitions of each exercise without rest.
After completing all 4 sand bag exercises, rest for 30-60 seconds.
Perform whole sequence again.
Repeat the entire circuit 5 times.
Sand bag clean & press: grab the bag by the handles, from the floor.
Pull up to and catch bag at shoulder level.
Perform overhead press using your whole body.
Bring the bag back down to shoulder level, then to the floor(in a controlled manner).
Repeat 6-8x.
Next exercise you want to bear hug the bag and perform a squat.
Keep your back straight, feet a little wider than shoulder width apart.
Push your hips back with your, with your weight on your heels.
Repeat 6-8x.
Bent over rows: grab underneath the bag (at the ends).
Again, feet a little wider than shoulder width.
Hinge forward at your waste, with knees slightly bent.
Do NOT round out your back.
Your chest should be almost parallel to the floor.
Pull the bag to your chest and pinch your shoulder blades together.
Repeat 6-8x.
Last exercise is the High pull/catch & squat combo.
Grab the bag from the floor and perform a high pull (upright row).
Release and catch the bag at shoulder level (Zercher position).
Perform a squat.
Drop the bag and repeat 6-8x.
This will give you one heck of an ab workout without even doing any typical ab exercises.
Not to mention, hitting every muscle in the body and a heart pumping cardio workout as well! I'm not just talking to the guys here.
Ladies this is an excellent way for you to strip away the fat and get that flat tummy you've been looking for! Do this 3 times per week and you'll see the fat just melt away! Plus you'll be well on your way to that 6 pack.
Try it out and you will see what I mean!