Features of Windows Vista
- Windows Vista includes a boatload of features that aren't found in older Windows operating systems, such as Windows XP. While some of these features play off of older features common to the Windows operating system line, they all have ease of use, aesthetics and functionality in mind. Many of these features carried over to Windows 7, Microsoft's successor to Windows Vista.
- Windows Aero is the name of the user interface implemented in Windows Vista. Featuring smooth graphics that emulate the look of glass, Windows Aero allows users to manage windows and navigate the desktop with minimal effort. Hovering over the desktop taskbar generates a small sample of what the window looks like expanded, Windows Flip (used by pressing "Alt" and "Tab" or the "Windows Key" and "Tab" for 3D) lets you quickly switch between open windows and programs. Windows Aero is made to perform better and reduce the number of errors you encounter while working with your PC.
- Microsoft Windows Vista also comes packed with a variety of Parental Controls to aid parents and guardians in monitoring their child's computer usage. Activity reports lets you keep track of your child's activity while time limits can be set to regulate computer usage to set intervals. As always, Windows Vista offers the same password-protection functionality found in Windows XP.
- Windows Vista strives to make searching your computer for files and documents easier by adding a search bar to the Start menu and every window in Windows Explorer. As you type in your query, search results are found instantly, with possible search results appearing the second you start typing. Instant Search is also included in other Microsoft Windows applications, including Internet Explorer and the Control Panel.
- The Windows Vista Sidebar appears on the side of your computer's desktop when you boot up Windows Vista. You can customize it with a variety of gadgets that let you personalize your computer with useful applications like notepads, calendars and analog clocks. Gadgets are available for download online through Microsoft (link in Resources).
- Save power using Windows Vista's Sleep and Hibernate functions to store your work and fall into a low-power state. All it takes is a press of the "Power" button on your PC to instantly put your computer into a Sleep mode. Resume from Sleep or Hibernation by pressing the "Power" button again, by moving the mouse or by typing on the keyboard.
Windows Aero
Parental Controls
Instant Search
Windows Sidebar and Gadgets
Fast Sleep and Resume