DIY T-Shirt Stencils
- 1). Place a sheet of vellum onto a flat surface such as a table or counter top.
- 2). Trace out your logo onto the vellum using a pencil.
- 3). Trace around the logo using a pen knife. Move the knife slowly as you cut so that you do not accidentally slice through an area that you do not wish to cut.
- 4). Remove the cut-out pieces of vellum from the sheet. This will reveal the logo stencil.
- 5). Rub fine-grain sandpaper over the edges of the area on the stencil that you cut. Use small, circular motions. This will make the edges more smooth, and will remove any fibrous pieces of vellum.
- 6). Place a sheet of cardboard in between the layers of a t-shirt.
- 7). Place the stencil onto the front of the t-shirt, and tape it down with art tape.
- 8). Apply fabric paint onto the stencil using a sponge. The paint will only appear on the t-shirt where you cut out the logo from the stencil.
- 9). Remove the stencil, and allow the fabric paint to dry completely. This can take about 30 minutes.