How to Make a Flower Wreath for the Hair
- 1). Place the florist wire around your head. Florist wire works best because it's bendable and forms well into a circle.
- 2). Cut off the excess wire with wire cutters. Bend one end of the wire into a loop; bend the other end into a hook. This creates an easy hook-and-eye for when you're ready to wear your wreath. Secure the ends of the wire with stem tape to prevent sharp ends.
- 3). Tape all the way around the florist wire with stem tape so when the wreath is finished, it cannot be seen.
- 4). Use small fake flowers for this project--it will give the wreath a lush look. Cut all of the stems so that they are short and easy to glue to the wreath, and tape them with stem tape.
- 5). Apply a small drop of hot glue to the wreath. Attach your first flower or flowers. Start at one end of the wreath and work your way to the other end.
- 6). Continue adding a small drop of glue, then gluing the flowers. The more flowers you have, the more lush it will look.
- 7). Place the finished wreath on your head, hooking the hook-and-eye together to secure it.