Procedures for Loss of Hair in Black Women
- Understanding the cause of your hair loss will determine the procedures, necessary to remedy it.
Common hair styles for many black women include braiding or weaving. When these styles are created properly they are harmless. However, warns women of color that if the braids are too tight they can create stress on the hair and scalp that could result in hair loss by damaging the follicles. If this is done for too long a time period, the hair loss could become permanent. The condition is called traction alopecia., a website dedicated to the condition, labels cornrows as a style that may be more likely to result in traction alopecia. To avoid this condition while still being able to enjoy the style you love, choose a hair stylist who is experienced and qualified to create braids and weaves. Also, it is your responsibility to tell your stylist if you feel she is braiding too tightly.
Another cause of traction alopecia in black women is over-processing of the hair with chemical treatments such as bleaches, relaxers and straightening products. These chemicals can also cause the hair to become fragile, making it more likely that hair will fall out., the website of Essence Magazine, which is devoted to African-American women, tells readers that hair loss can also be caused by heredity, stress or hormones. For example, androgenetic hair loss, more commonly called female-pattern baldness, is a result of either hormones or heredity.
You should also consider your diet if you are experiencing hair loss, as poor nutrition may be a culprit. - Minoxidil is a topical remedy that is more commonly known as Rogaine. It is used to treat female-pattern baldness, but may also be helpful for baldness due to alopecia.
Nutritional supplements called Biotin give users the nutrients that they need to help hair grow. Anti-inflammatory drugs are sometimes used to treat alopecia, either in a topical form or injected directly into the scalp. They also come in an oral form as an antibiotic, which kills any bacteria that may be causing the hair loss. - Hair loss can sometimes be a symptom of an underlying medical condition; your doctor can help you determine if this is the case. Your doctor can also help you determine if the hair loss is caused by any medications you are taking, such as blood pressure medicines, antidepressants or oral contraceptives.
Consider Possible Causes
Consider Possible Treatments
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