Fly Fishing Line Rigging Instructions
- 1). Pull several inches of fly line backing around the spool of the fly reel. Tie an overhand knot with the free end of the line so that the loop of the knot goes around the main line. Tie a second overhand knot, below the first knot, this time using only the free end of the line. Moisten the knots and pull down tightly against each other and the spool.
- 2). Hold the backing line in front of the spool and apply tension. Turn the handle of the reel to wind line on the spool so it is filled about one quarter full. Cut the backing line free from the filler spool with scissors.
- 3). Connect the main line to the backing line with an arbor knot. Form a loop with the main line about 3 inches from the end. You will now have a loop with a doubled line below. Feed the end of the backing line through the loop and a hold alongside the main doubled line. Wrap the free end of the backing line around itself and the doubled main line six to seven times working up toward the loop. Pull the free end of the backing line through the loop the same way it originally passed through and pull tight. Trim the free ends of the backing and fly line with scissors.
- 4). Apply tension to the fly line in front of the reel and turn the handle of the reel to wind line onto the spool. Wind all of the fly line onto the spool. Do not cut the line, as some fly lines may feature a taper or weight forward design that could be damaged and affect the performance of the line. If all of the line will not fit on the spool, remove the fly line, reduce the amount of backing and spool the fly line on again.
- 5). Attach a leader to the fly line with a nail knot. Tie the nail knot by overlapping the ends of the leader and fly line for several inches. Insert a small diameter nail between the lines. Hold the lines and nail tightly and wrap the leader around itself, the fly line and nail six to seven times. Work the wraps toward the end of the fly line. Feed the end of the leader down along side the nail passing it through the loops and out. Moisten the knot slightly and pull down tightly on the knot. Remove the nail and continue tightening the knot. Trim excess from the free ends of the fly line and leader.
- 6). Pull the end of the leader up through the guides of the fly rod and past the rod tip for 3 to 4 feet. This will allow enough working line at the end of the rod for attaching a tippet or fly.