How True Love Can Change Your Life Forever (And The Soulmate SECRET You Must Not Miss!)
Are you happy with your love life? Are you in a rewarding relationship with someone you truly believe is meant to be a part of your world? Do you believe in the idea of karma, and connection and the notion that your love life is FATED well before you are even born? If you are anything like I was years ago you are probably skeptical about the idea that there is ANYTHING more to love than LUCK and that chance and hard work are what makes most "soul mates" appear happy.
I've learned some incredible lessons since then, including the idea that there is a KARMA to connection, and that each of us comes into this world with a specific set of soul mates we are destined to learn from, grow with and evolve together as one.
(Including ONE authentic romantic or spiritual love connection as well) Here is EXACTLY what I believe to be true when it comes to soul mates, "suffering" and the reason so many relationships end in divorce, depression and disappointment: 1 - Most women SETTLE far too fast for men who are LESS than who we hope to meet.
As a matter of fact, some studies suggest that 65% of women admit that if they had to do it over again, after 10 years or more together..
would pick a NEW partner than the one they've married.
2 - That there IS in fact fate, karma and a universal plan for our lives.
We are here for a PURPOSE.
And the universe, while it will gently nudge us in the direction of our dreams, won't interfere if we choose to ignore the signs and settle for LESS than we deserve.
(I've wasted years and years of my own life being "blind" to the signs all around me, and it truly wasn't until I found my OWN soulmate and life partner did I realize he had been waiting for me all along!) The KEY to discovering your soulmate..
even if you've had years of terrible failed relationships? BELIEF! The idea that you know with 100% certitude that there is a plan and purpose to your being alive, and that authentic PASSION awaits, is an incredibly freeing thing.
Hope is a transformative tool..
and no matter how old you are right now, if you open yourself up to the idea that there is something (or someone) really amazing, waiting for you in this very moment, it can be an incredibly transformative experience.
As a matter of fact, it wasn't until I had a horoscope reading with my fiance at the time that I realized how WRONG my "love" life was, and how wrong we were together.
Not only did the intuitive tell us during the reading itself, he also described in incredible detail the people who were "waiting" for us when we decided to move on and truly listen to our hearts.
( a brave and risky recommendation for him to make without ever meeting us before..
but he was RIGHT, we each knew it, and I think we'd each now agree, this was the moment each of our lives changed for the better forever!) Of course many people reading this right now are skeptical.
And I understand that.
The secret to life is that we have both free will, and a purpose for being alive.
We are here to love deeply - but to give it, and get it.
And without this, living a complete.
existence is almost impossible.
But open yourself up to the power, and the possibility...
and embrace the idea that you were BORN to be happy, in love and completely content and you will find that's it's waiting for you to find..
and often, far faster than you ever believed possible to boot!
I've learned some incredible lessons since then, including the idea that there is a KARMA to connection, and that each of us comes into this world with a specific set of soul mates we are destined to learn from, grow with and evolve together as one.
(Including ONE authentic romantic or spiritual love connection as well) Here is EXACTLY what I believe to be true when it comes to soul mates, "suffering" and the reason so many relationships end in divorce, depression and disappointment: 1 - Most women SETTLE far too fast for men who are LESS than who we hope to meet.
As a matter of fact, some studies suggest that 65% of women admit that if they had to do it over again, after 10 years or more together..
would pick a NEW partner than the one they've married.
2 - That there IS in fact fate, karma and a universal plan for our lives.
We are here for a PURPOSE.
And the universe, while it will gently nudge us in the direction of our dreams, won't interfere if we choose to ignore the signs and settle for LESS than we deserve.
(I've wasted years and years of my own life being "blind" to the signs all around me, and it truly wasn't until I found my OWN soulmate and life partner did I realize he had been waiting for me all along!) The KEY to discovering your soulmate..
even if you've had years of terrible failed relationships? BELIEF! The idea that you know with 100% certitude that there is a plan and purpose to your being alive, and that authentic PASSION awaits, is an incredibly freeing thing.
Hope is a transformative tool..
and no matter how old you are right now, if you open yourself up to the idea that there is something (or someone) really amazing, waiting for you in this very moment, it can be an incredibly transformative experience.
As a matter of fact, it wasn't until I had a horoscope reading with my fiance at the time that I realized how WRONG my "love" life was, and how wrong we were together.
Not only did the intuitive tell us during the reading itself, he also described in incredible detail the people who were "waiting" for us when we decided to move on and truly listen to our hearts.
( a brave and risky recommendation for him to make without ever meeting us before..
but he was RIGHT, we each knew it, and I think we'd each now agree, this was the moment each of our lives changed for the better forever!) Of course many people reading this right now are skeptical.
And I understand that.
The secret to life is that we have both free will, and a purpose for being alive.
We are here to love deeply - but to give it, and get it.
And without this, living a complete.
existence is almost impossible.
But open yourself up to the power, and the possibility...
and embrace the idea that you were BORN to be happy, in love and completely content and you will find that's it's waiting for you to find..
and often, far faster than you ever believed possible to boot!