What Is Severe Depression?
There are three main categories of depression disorder. They are known as Bipolar Disorder, Chronic Depression Disorder and Major Depression Disorder. Of the three mood disorders Major Depression Disorder is the most severe. This disorder may also be called Severe Depression.
In Severe Depression the cause can be a single traumatic event in your life. It could even be the result of many personal disappointments and problems in your life. Sometimes it is possible to develop Severe Depression without any traumatic events or life problems. Still other times people who suffer from Chronic Depression can go into Severe Depression as a result of a traumatic event.
The symptoms of depression are also present in Severe Depression. They are however more intense than normal depression symptoms. For most people who suffer from Severe Depression, they can either have a recurring Severe Depression episode or their Severe Depression may occur only once in their lifetime and never reoccur again.
Recurring Severe Depression is where the individual will have periods of Severe Depression that are followed by periods of depression. After these bouts of depression are finished, they will be able to live at least several years without any episodes of depression. They may have another episode of Severe Depression which can arise due to some traumatic event. In a single episode of Severe Depression the symptoms occur due to a major traumatic event in the individual's life. Once medical treatment has taken effect, the Severe Depression will not occur again in their lifetime.
In general the medication that is prescribed for Severe Depression is anti-depressants. There are several types of depression medications that are used for Severe Depression. These medications include Tricyclics, Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, Serotonin Noradrenaline Reuptake Inhibitors, Noradrenergic and Serotonergic anti-depressants, Serotonin 5-HT (2) Receptor Antagonists, Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors and Bupropion.
The other type of treatment that works for Severe Depression is that of cognitive-behavioral therapy. The best method of treatment is that of medication combined with cognitive therapy. The therapy is used to treat the psychological aspects of Severe Depression while the medication will treat the symptoms of Severe Depression.
The intensified symptoms of Severe Depression include restlessness, irritability, insomnia, oversleeping, fatigue, thoughts of death, suicide, early morning waking, pessimism, hopelessness, weight loss or gain, and a change in appetite
These symptoms coupled with any traumatic incident or an accumulation of life problems can trigger either recurring Severe Depression or episodic Severe Depression. Both types of Severe Depression need to be treated as the consequences can be life threatening. Should you suspect that you may be having Severe Depression then you should get immediate medical help.
In Severe Depression the cause can be a single traumatic event in your life. It could even be the result of many personal disappointments and problems in your life. Sometimes it is possible to develop Severe Depression without any traumatic events or life problems. Still other times people who suffer from Chronic Depression can go into Severe Depression as a result of a traumatic event.
The symptoms of depression are also present in Severe Depression. They are however more intense than normal depression symptoms. For most people who suffer from Severe Depression, they can either have a recurring Severe Depression episode or their Severe Depression may occur only once in their lifetime and never reoccur again.
Recurring Severe Depression is where the individual will have periods of Severe Depression that are followed by periods of depression. After these bouts of depression are finished, they will be able to live at least several years without any episodes of depression. They may have another episode of Severe Depression which can arise due to some traumatic event. In a single episode of Severe Depression the symptoms occur due to a major traumatic event in the individual's life. Once medical treatment has taken effect, the Severe Depression will not occur again in their lifetime.
In general the medication that is prescribed for Severe Depression is anti-depressants. There are several types of depression medications that are used for Severe Depression. These medications include Tricyclics, Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, Serotonin Noradrenaline Reuptake Inhibitors, Noradrenergic and Serotonergic anti-depressants, Serotonin 5-HT (2) Receptor Antagonists, Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors and Bupropion.
The other type of treatment that works for Severe Depression is that of cognitive-behavioral therapy. The best method of treatment is that of medication combined with cognitive therapy. The therapy is used to treat the psychological aspects of Severe Depression while the medication will treat the symptoms of Severe Depression.
The intensified symptoms of Severe Depression include restlessness, irritability, insomnia, oversleeping, fatigue, thoughts of death, suicide, early morning waking, pessimism, hopelessness, weight loss or gain, and a change in appetite
These symptoms coupled with any traumatic incident or an accumulation of life problems can trigger either recurring Severe Depression or episodic Severe Depression. Both types of Severe Depression need to be treated as the consequences can be life threatening. Should you suspect that you may be having Severe Depression then you should get immediate medical help.