Alternative Therapy And Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety can greatly affect an individual suffering from it. Every thing feels like falling down, crumbling and destroying the normal life one is so used to. Without any warning, self-confidence goes and fear just keeps on coming. It would seem that the brain functions on its own and controls every thing in the body, from breathing to seizures.
No one likes to be a victim of anxiety disorder. No one likes to undergo this bad experience of not having control over one's thinking and emotional balance. While everything can be solved by going to the doctor and asking for medications there are cases when they actually have disturbing side effects that can worsen the disorder. This is why many experts on anxiety disorder have chosen therapy as a potential form of treatment.
Alternative Therapies don't have side effects which could affect the normalcy of one's thinking or even destroy one's health. While medications can give instant cure, alternative therapy has lasting effects. Here are some of them:
Self-Help Strategies
Doubts and fears are non-motivating factors. Usually patients of anxiety disorder think about several what ifs thus creating a feeling of helplessness. Several self-help books have been published to assist people who suffer and want to help themselves.
Self-help strategies usually would require patients to discover the underlying causes for their disorder and then solve the problem from there. No one can solve a problem, if one doesn't know what the problem is. Self-help methods promote self-awareness thus increasing patients' ability to control their own mind and actions. Since these methods require self-affirmation, they do not only solve anxiety disorder but also help the holistic mental health of a person.
Black Tea
Some medical practitioners prohibit caffeine intake of anyone who has anxiety attacks. But recent studies and several doctors found out that the reason why people undergo panic attacks or anxiousness is their low level of cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone which is usually found in people who are depressed.
CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is used to identify or recognize the negative thoughts of the patient. After identifying these thoughts, the line of thinking leading to these negative ideas is being challenged. Usually a patient recognizes a pattern when he/she is thinking pessimistically. In CBT, this judgment on the side of the patients is being confronted because they may be thinking irrationally only and without basis. Patients claim that CBT helped them combat anxiety disorders in many ways.
Exposure Therapy
Patients experience anxiety disorders because of fear of a thing, a place, a person, a situation or anything at all. In exposure therapy, patients are placed in a controlled environment where they are to confront their biggest fears. This is done in a gradual manner and will continue until the fear is reduced or completely obliterated. This kind of therapy doesn't have harmful effects and will only help patients overcome their fears in the end.
Alternative therapies for anxiety disorder are definitely worth a try. They're safe and effective especially when conducted with the help of a professional health care provider.
No one likes to be a victim of anxiety disorder. No one likes to undergo this bad experience of not having control over one's thinking and emotional balance. While everything can be solved by going to the doctor and asking for medications there are cases when they actually have disturbing side effects that can worsen the disorder. This is why many experts on anxiety disorder have chosen therapy as a potential form of treatment.
Alternative Therapies don't have side effects which could affect the normalcy of one's thinking or even destroy one's health. While medications can give instant cure, alternative therapy has lasting effects. Here are some of them:
Self-Help Strategies
Doubts and fears are non-motivating factors. Usually patients of anxiety disorder think about several what ifs thus creating a feeling of helplessness. Several self-help books have been published to assist people who suffer and want to help themselves.
Self-help strategies usually would require patients to discover the underlying causes for their disorder and then solve the problem from there. No one can solve a problem, if one doesn't know what the problem is. Self-help methods promote self-awareness thus increasing patients' ability to control their own mind and actions. Since these methods require self-affirmation, they do not only solve anxiety disorder but also help the holistic mental health of a person.
Black Tea
Some medical practitioners prohibit caffeine intake of anyone who has anxiety attacks. But recent studies and several doctors found out that the reason why people undergo panic attacks or anxiousness is their low level of cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone which is usually found in people who are depressed.
CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is used to identify or recognize the negative thoughts of the patient. After identifying these thoughts, the line of thinking leading to these negative ideas is being challenged. Usually a patient recognizes a pattern when he/she is thinking pessimistically. In CBT, this judgment on the side of the patients is being confronted because they may be thinking irrationally only and without basis. Patients claim that CBT helped them combat anxiety disorders in many ways.
Exposure Therapy
Patients experience anxiety disorders because of fear of a thing, a place, a person, a situation or anything at all. In exposure therapy, patients are placed in a controlled environment where they are to confront their biggest fears. This is done in a gradual manner and will continue until the fear is reduced or completely obliterated. This kind of therapy doesn't have harmful effects and will only help patients overcome their fears in the end.
Alternative therapies for anxiety disorder are definitely worth a try. They're safe and effective especially when conducted with the help of a professional health care provider.