How to Handle Breakouts
- 1). Wash your face twice daily, once in the morning and once at night before bed. In the morning, use a gentle cleanser. In the evenings, use a cleanser that contains salicylic acid. This will treat the pimples that you have and prevent future breakouts. Use your fingers to wash your face. Wash off with a soft washcloth and warm water.
- 2). Treat existing pimples with a cream containing benzoyl peroxide. According to Joshua Zeichner, a dermatologist, use a cream that contains up to 5 percent benzoyl peroxide. There are creams that contain 10 percent, but they are irritating to the skin. Apply a pea-sized amount of the cream to breakouts. Do so before bed. If you experience irritation, apply it every other evening.
- 3). Apply topical prescription acne medication to breakouts. You will need to visit the doctor, preferably a dermatologist, to obtain the medication. Options for topical prescription medication include clindamycin, tazarotene and trenitoin. Follow the doctor's instructions regarding application.
- 4). Apply concealer makeup to cover breakouts. This is only a necessary step if you feel comfortable wearing makeup. If you wear foundation makeup, apply the concealer after applying the foundation. Apply a small amount over breakouts, using clean fingers, and blend into the skin.