Chris Young on Episode 1 of Nashville Star 4
Chris Young performs "Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off" on Episode 1 of Nashville Star 4.
Anastasia: Chris, these guys are being hard on you, because I think you do have what it takes to be a star. I really, really do. And, I also have advice. I would definitely loosen up, and Toby just called and said, he's pissed off that you got his hat.
Chris: Tell him I stole it and I'm not giving it back.
Read about Chris' performance on Nashville Star 4 - Episode 1 and see where I ranked Chris for the episode.
Anastasia: Chris, these guys are being hard on you, because I think you do have what it takes to be a star. I really, really do. And, I also have advice. I would definitely loosen up, and Toby just called and said, he's pissed off that you got his hat.
Chris: Tell him I stole it and I'm not giving it back.
Read about Chris' performance on Nashville Star 4 - Episode 1 and see where I ranked Chris for the episode.