How to Transfer a Word 2007 File to Another Document
- 1). Launch Microsoft Word 2007 and open the document you want to copy into a second file.
- 2). Click and drag over the contents of the document, or click "Control" and "A" at the same time. This highlights all of the information in the document.
- 3). Right-click in the highlighted area, then choose "Copy" from the pull-down menu. This copies the contents of the file.
- 4). Open the other document you want to copy the Word 2007 information into. This can be another Word document, or a document in an entirely different program, such as an image editor.
- 5). Right-click inside the opposite document and select "Paste" to transfer the information into the second file.
- 1). Open the Word document you want to transfer into the second file.
- 2). Click "File," then "Save As," and a save window loads onto the screen. Title the document and choose a location to save it to, then click on the format pull-down menu and select "PDF" as the file type. Choose "OK" and the document saves as the portable document format.
- 3). Open the image editing program or other PDF-enabled software and select "File," then "Import" (this is also sometimes listed under an "Edit" or "Image" tab at the top of the screen).
- 4). Choose the PDF file you just created from the import menu and click "OK." The text from the Word 2007 file transfers over into the second document.
Copy and Paste
Save as PDF